% Short title \shorttitle{<short title of the paper for running head>} # 一般直接写文章title ...
\documentclass{article}的意思是这篇文档的类型是学术文章,除此之外也有book,booklet等其他出版物类型,这一句限定了排版能够使用的格式,比如说如果类型是article,那么排版就可以用APA/Chicago/MLA等版式,而不是专用于booklet的一些版式; \userpackage这一行不用改动,只是定义文档的编码方式; \title是整个文档的标题,会...
\title[Short title of the presentation]{Full title of the presentation} 标题:方括号是缩写,会显示在每一张slide的页脚;大括号里是完整的标题。 \subtitle{subtitle here} 副标题。 \author[John Smith]{John Smith} 演讲者姓名。方括号里的名字会显示在页脚中。...
This short sample document illustrates the typeset appearance of in-line and displayed mathematics in documents. It also illustrates ve levels of section headings and three kinds of lists. Finally, the document includes entries for a bibliography and citations created using the Chicago BibTEX ...
\title{An Empirical Paper with a Short Title} \author{Roy Chen 20170712\\Megan Kong 20170712\thanks{You can use \textbackslash thanks{} here to include a footnote. And here I am grateful to my lover, to the softness brought by her, to every precious moments of us.}} %You can also ...
Algorithms should be numbered and include a short title. They are set off from the text with rules above and below the title and after the last line. \begin{algorithm}[H] \caption{Weighted Tanimoto ELM.}\label{alg:alg1} \begin{algorithmic} ...
在\title、\author等命令内可以使用\thanks命令生成标题页的脚注,用\and隔开多个人名 在全部信息给定后,我们就可以使用\maketitle命令生成一个简单的标题页了。 \documentclass{article} \title{Test of Document} \author{Steve Anthony \thanks{email: 3500515050@qq.com}} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketi...
\re{[2]} Skoviera M.The Maximum Genus of Graphsof Diameter Two.{\it Discrete Math}.1991, 87:175-180 \end{document}%源文件的结束 英文LaTeX2e模板 \documentclass[11pt]{article}%文件类说明 %还可以选择的类是book,report \setlength{\parindent}{12pt}%自然段第一行的缩进量为12pt ...
\listoftables 参考文献 参考文献的格式一般在谷歌学术上就有,引用的时候使用\cite{}。 %引用格式@inproceedings{Bamford98:ITR,author={Bamford,P.and Lovell,B.},title={Improving the robustness of cell nucleus segmentation},booktitle={Proceedings of the Ninth British Machine Vision Conference},address={So...
A concise set of Latex templates that serves a small set of needs - CV, Essays, Articles and Problem Sets - Latex-Templates/Article-Journal/ICML12/example_paper.tex at b616f5d04b24394e29c58bf15251894655c3d02a · deedy/Latex-Templates