紧接着趁热打铁看完source3,自己写一个xfp(滑稽)。从此浮点运算告别其他程序,只用 TeX 搞定一切。...
As the number of steps in the performance of a test increases, so too does the potential for error. Other technologies are still comparatively expensive, even in manual format. Technical errors can largely be overcome by automation, but cost increases markedly. A potential and significant ...
LaTeX Error: Counter too large. \Alph{somecounter} Output the representation of somecounter as an upper-case letter where A=1, B=2, C=3... Note: somecounter must be in the range 1 ≤ somecounter ≤ 26, otherwise it will trigger the error ! LaTeX Error: Counter too large. \fn...
You need to give permissions to the \"build service\": Scripts need access to the token:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/scripts/git-commands?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml#allow-scripts-to-access-the-system-token An issue with \"main\" and \"master\" branches. Th...
If we add too many columns, we might be getting a table that’s too wide for the page. In this situation, it’s often best to simply rotate the table and print it in sideways. While there are many different ways to rotate the table, the only that I’ve found to be satisfying was...
我觉得还是看的清的。更新:已上传完整TeX文件到https://github.com/SeaniWu/CMCS,建议详细阅读 read...
Error message ‘Counter too large’: For example\alphof -1 is not too large (but too small). Suggestion for error message: ‘Counter out of range’ and help text: 'Counter has valuevalue, shall be printed aspresentation command, which only supports values in the rangesupported domain.' ...
“fit nicely” within the confines of the box provided or requested. If so, the TeX engine issues warnings and your material will be typeset but the result may not, on occasion, be aesthetically desirable and you’ll probably need to fix it. It is worth understanding the meaning of those...
First, we assume you have git repository on your computer in a folder calledmy-paper. (It might also be hosted on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, etc., but you need to have it cloned locally, too.) Createa new projecton Overleaf. Since any content in the project will be overwritten, ...
To see the result, open this XeLaTeX example on Overleaf In the previous example three different fonts are used, the next lines determine the elements that will use this fonts: \setmainfont{Times New Roman} This is the normal font used in most of the document,Times New Romanin the example...