Exposure to latex often,such as if you are a healthcare worker, hairdresser, or work with food or fabric. Other allergies,such as hay fever, asthma, food allergies, or skin conditions. Certain health conditions,such as spina bifida. Children who had surgery before their first birthday may ha...
Food allergiestoapples, bananas,carrots, celery, chestnuts, kiwi, melons, papayas, raw potatoes, avocadoes,pineapple, andtomatoes Rubber industry workers and people who usecondoms are also more likely than others to get a latex allergy. How Can You Be Exposed to Latex? You can get exposed to ...
Latex Sensitivity and Food Allergies.Kubetin, Sally Koch
Latex allergies are caused when your immune system reacts as though latex is a harmful substance, according to the AAFA. Latex allergies aren’t very common. They affect less than 1% of people in the U.S., but people who are exposed to latex frequently are more likely to develop allergies...
The prevalence of latex allergies in healthcare workers has significantly increased over the past 2 decades. Increases in exposure to latex products in healthcare environments are related primarily to the use of gloves for barrier protection. In the early 1980s, with the implementation of universal...
Is it related to food allergies? Some food allergies have been linked to latex allergy. You may be allergic to latex if you are allergic to bananas, avocados, chestnuts, kiwis, apples, carrots, celery, papayas, potatoes, tomatoes, melons, or several other foods. If you are allergic to ...
AIC consistently treasures its established business integrity and professional background mechineries, which are still contributing to its leading position in the field of chemical machineries, building materials, working protection tools, medical and healthcare items and food stuff r...
15 The history should record the presence or absence of other allergies, atopy, previous operations or medical procedures involving latex products, and if the patient belongs to an identified and potential risk group (Table 1).16,34 The interview should be directed to the search for localized ...
AIC is a leading supplier in the field of chemical machineries, building materials, working protection tools, healthcare items, and food-related products. With a strong focus on business integrity and professional background, we have establis...
Latex Allergies: A Review of Recognition, Evaluation, Management, Prevention, Education, and Alternative Product Use To provide information about latex allergies; to determine how to recognize, evaluate, and manage emergencies related to latex allergies; and how to identi... HM Binkley,T Schroyer,...