1. 解释"xparse/redefine-command"警告的含义 "xparse/redefine-command"警告是LaTeX在处理文档时发出的一个警告,表明某个已定义的命令被重新定义了。在LaTeX中,每个命令都应该有唯一的定义,如果这个命令被重新定义,可能会导致不可预测的行为,或者覆盖之前的定义,从而造成文档内容的改变。 2. 分析导致\ol命令被重新...
Thesecommandsdefine(orredefine)acommand: •cmd:acommanmebeginningwitha\.For\newcommanditmustnotbealready definedandmustnotbeginwith\end;for\renewcommanditmustalreadybedefined. •args:anintegerfrom1to9denotingthenumberofargumentsofthecommandbeing defined.Thedefaultisforthecommandtohavenoarguments. •def...
刚有 LaTeX 的时候,PDF 还不知在哪儿;后来人们看 PDF 是好的,又希望可以支持 fancy 一点的功能,比如超链接、书签这种。So,惟一的办法就是 redefine\section这些命令。那你怎么能保证别人不会先改了这个命令,让你无处可改?一句话,没有办法,只有认了。(要不试一试写\hyp@section这样的东西出来?) 这里列的表可...
This command takes the same arguments as /newcommand but it declares a robust command, even if some code within the <definition> is fragile. You can use this command to define new robust commands, or to redefine existing commands and make them robust. A log is put into the transcript file...
There may be files that you want to use that redefine a command found in the Wiley .cls file. This will cause an error message and possibly cause the new definition to not work correctly. To get around this you can set the command attempting to be redefined to \relax. For instance, ...
您可以使用 section命令创建一个带有特殊编号的标记为“附录”的部分,并为计数器添加适当的重新定义命令。以下示例生成单个“附录”,其中包含编号为A-1,A-2,...的等式 renewcommand{theequation}{A-arabic{equation}} % redefine the command that creates the equation no. setcounter{equation...
or to redefine existing commands and make them robust. A log is put into the transcript file if a command is redefined.For example:/DeclareRobustCommand{/seq}[2][n]{%/ifmmode#1_{1}/ldots#1_{#2}%/else/PackageWarning{fred}{You can't use /protect/seq/space in text}%/fi}for example...
%redefine the firstpage page style. /renewcommand{/ps@firstpage}{% /renewcommand{/@oddhead}{<letterhead goes here>}% /renewcommand{/@oddfoot}{<letterfoot goes here>}% } 6) Example: a newsletter class A simple newsletter can be typeset with LaTeX, using a variant of the article class....
Redefine the commands recognised as citation commands. "siunitx" Treat "\SI" as equivalent to citation commands (i.e. protect with "\mbox" if markup style uses ulem package. "cleveref" Treat "\cref,\Cref", etc as equivalent to citation commands (i.e. protect with "\mbox" if markup...
LaTeX provides a set of 10 standard (predefined) commands to change the font size—note that document classes or LaTeX packages may redefine those commands to vary the actual point size. The following table lists those commands and their corresponding point size values for a document using 10pt...