可以用 tikz 去做,但我觉得用tikz有两个缺点,一是编译慢,二是需要多次编译。我修改了 geometry 宏...
将文字使用 Box 包起来-tcolorbox 有的时候我们希望将文字使用框包裹起来,具体效果如下所示: 这个时候我们可以使用 tcolorbox 来实现。下面看一个简单的例子,在 tcolorbox 中显示数学公式和文字(参考资料,How to put a framed box around text + math environment): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath...
\raggedleft{% \begin{overpic}[width=0.5\textwidth]{lion600.png}%图片的相对路径\put (30,42) {\rotatebox{-20}{\fontsize{60pt}{60pt}\selectfont\textsf{\Roman{chapter}}} \put (20,50) {\textcolor{cyan!50!blue}{\textsf{Chapter}}} \end{overpic} }% }% {-6.5cm}% {\ctformatchapt...
Fast input methods to enter LaTeX environments and math with GNU Emacs - cdlatex/cdlatex.el at master · cdominik/cdlatex
LaTeX places floats so that they occupy the entire horizontal space around them, with no text alongside them. This improves readability and is usually preferred. If you really want to flow text around a figure, this can be done with wrapfig. https://ctan.org/pkg/wrapfig?lang=en longtab...
It's also possible towrapthe text around a figure. When the document contains small pictures this makes it look better. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.25\textwidth}%this figure will be at the right\centering\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{mesh}\end{wrapfigure}There are several ways to plot ...
It's also possible towrapthe text around a figure. When the document contains small pictures this makes it look better. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.25\textwidth}%this figure will be at the right\centering\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{mesh}\end{wrapfigure}There are several ways to plot ...
TeX 是由Donald Knuth创造的基于底层编程语言的电子排版系统[1](TEX是Honeywell公司在1980年为其Text Executive文本处理系统注册的商标,它与 TeX是两回事)。使用TeX可以对版面做精细的操作,生成精美的文档。TeX提供版面编辑的底层命令,但是使用时操作复杂,工作效率不高. TeX允许用这些底层命令定义出可以执行复杂操作的扩...
24、dchars=true.% lets you use non-ASCII characters; for 8-bits encodings only, does not work with UTF-815.frame=single,% adds a frame around the code16.keepspaces=true,% keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)17.keywordstyle=colorbl...
This makes thewrapfigureenvironment available to us, and we can put a\includegraphicscommand inside it to create a figure around which text will be wrapped. Here is how we can specify awrapfigureenvironment: \begin{wrapfigure}[lineheight]{position}{width}...\end{wrapfigure} ...