More information on LaTeX packages can be found at the end of this tutorial in the section Finding and using LaTeX packages. Captions, labels and references Images can be captioned, labelled and referenced by means of the figure environment, as shown below: \documentclass{article} \usepackage...
Several Kinds of Boxes – LR boxes, Par, Rule. Floats – a good tutorial on the thorny problem of figures. Cross References in LATEX. Footnotes, Marginpars, and Endnotes. Read the tutorials 2. LaTeX for Beginners by IS This is an absolute beginners guide to writing documents in LATEX usi...
想要继续学习如何使用这个工具,不妨查找LaTeX的教程,先观察别人写好的LaTeX代码然后模仿着写出自己的代码(也就是“抄”,“描红”的意思)。 在某些大型视频网站上搜索 LaTeX tutorial 试试看吧。 【成功的“学习”来自“了解”,“使用”,“观察”和“思考”。】 迈出勇敢折腾LaTeX的第一步,那就是自己给自己找需求。
Did you know that Overleaf has a LaTeX tutorial—with hands-on guidance using examples that you can work through to build-up your LaTeX expertise? Read morearrow_right_alt \begin{now} Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work. ...
LaTeX 的代码更像是对文本编辑的一堆指令,功能明确,用法明确 (所以 LaTeX 应该是 "macro“ 而不是"programming language")。 通过搜索引擎,你可以找到能够将内容渲染为某种格式的 LaTeX 指令,套用一下,改一改内容,你也就学会了使用这个 LaTeX 指令了;不必抄小本本上或者背下来,下次再有相同的格式需要,至少做到...
Edith Hodgen’s LaTeX, a Braindump starts you from the ground up — giving a basic tutorial in the use of Linux to get you going (rather a large file. . . ). Its parent site, David Friggens’ documentation page is a useful collection of links in itself. Andy Roberts’ introductory...
In this tutorial, we introduce LATEX and show how to download, install, and configure MiKTeX 2.9 (a LATEX distribu- tion), and TeXworks (a LATEX editor), on a machine running the Windows operating system, XP or later.1. Acknowledgments This tutorial was created as to be used as part ...
This document is a reference, not a tutorial. There is a vast array of other information available about LaTeX, at all levels. Here are a few introductions. Two pages of recommended references to LaTeX documentation.
There are also a number of active community forums such as TeX StackExchange ( and LaTeX Community (, along with a fantastic new LaTeX tutorial series in a number of languages ( ...
The command\lstinputlisting[language=Octave]{BitXorMatrix.m}imports the code from the fileBitXorMatrix.m, the additional parameter in between brackets enables language highlighting for the Octave programming language. If you need to import only part of the file you can specify two comma-separated ...