\boxminus \boxminus 复制 嵌入 \boxtimes \boxtimes 复制 嵌入 \boxdot \boxdot 复制 嵌入 \oplus \oplus 复制 嵌入 \ominus \ominus 复制 嵌入 \otimes \otimes 复制 嵌入 \oslash \oslash 复制 嵌入 \odot \odot 复...
1. Insert a plus minus sign in LaTeX In general, the plus-minus symbol is generated in LaTeX with the \pm command inside math mode.For example, the previous equation was produced with: % Plus minus symbol in LaTeX \[ x^2+bx+c=0\impliesx=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4c}}{2} ...
正常值plus伸展值minus收缩值 实际长度可超过正常值和伸展值之和,但不能小于正常值和收缩值之差 \documentclass[11pt]{article}%11pt字体,普通文章 %导言区,全局命令 \usepackage{CJK}%使用CJK宏包 \begin{document}%主环境 \begin{CJK}{GBK}{song}%汉字必须放入CJK环境 %其它字体:song,kai,fs,hei,li,you...
Unable to put a plus or minus symbol within a table I'm making a table, but I cannot seem to get the plus/minus symbol appear within the table. It merely says\pmwhere I want the actual symbol to be. I'm not sure what to do - I'd appreciate any help. \documentclass[twoside]{ar...
⊙⊙ \odot ⊖⊖ \ominus ⊕⊕ \oplus ⊘⊘ \oslash ⨿⨿ \amalg ≀≀ \wr □◻ \Box ⊞⊞ \boxplus ⊟⊟ \boxminus ⊠⊠ \boxtimes ⊡⊡ \boxdot □◻ \square} ⊎⊎ \uplus ⊓⊓ \sqcap ⊔⊔ \sqcup ∧∧ \wedge ∨∨ \vee ◃◃ \triangle...
−-− - ⊕\oplus⊕ \oplus ×\times× \times ⊖\ominus⊖ \ominus ÷\div÷ \div ⊙\odot⊙ \odot ±\pm± \pm ⊘\oslash⊘ \oslash ∓\mp∓ \mp ⊗\otimes⊗ \otimes ◃\triangleleft◃ \triangleleft ◯\bigcirc◯ \bigcirc ▹\triangleright▹ \triangleright ...
Symbol Command Symbol Command \pm \mp \times \div \cdot \ast \star \dagger \ddagger \amalg \cap \cup \uplus \sqcap \sqcup \vee \wedge \oplus \ominus \otimes \circ \bullet \diamond \lhd \rhd \unlhd \unrhd \oslash \odot \bigcirc \triangleleft \Diamond \bigtriangleup \big...
Plus or Minus \pm 1.53 Multiplication (times) 6 \times 7 Multiplication (dot) 6 \dot 7 Division (slash) 7 / 22 Division (symbol) 7 \div 22 Numeric Comparison Operators Description Code Output Equal 1 + 2 = 3 Not equal 1 + 2 \ne 4 ...
I have a list with some positives and negatives, so I'm using plus and minus sign instead of the bullets in the itemize style, but there isn't any spacing between them and the text. Which I solved by adding a space after the plus and minus symbol \ListProperties(Hide=2, Progressive=...
v \boldsymbol{v} v $\boldsymbol{v}$ 下面附上基本能够用到的特殊字符表示 希腊字母大小写 数学模式重音符 二元关系符 注意:可以在上述命令前面加上 \not 来得到否定形式 二元运算符 大尺寸运算符 箭头 定界符 大尺寸定界符 其他符号 非数学符号