如果从头编写中文文档(使用 article 等文档类或者 ctexart 等文档类)并使用 XeLaTeX 编译,建议直接使用unicode-math包,然后搞清楚需要使用哪种字体。此时查阅符号应该找texdoc unimath-symbols。 如果从头编写英文文档并使用 pdfLaTeX 编译的话: 只用原生的 Computer Modern 字体的话,数学字体包只引入 amssymb 包(如果还...
Miscellaneous Symbols \dots \cdots \vdots \ddots \hbar \imath \jmath \ell \Re \Im \aleph \wp \forall \exists \mho (Require the latexsym package) \partial ' \prime \emptyset \infty \nabla \triangle \Box (Require the latexsym package) \Diamond...
Contents 1 Body-text symbols A Table 1: L TEX 2ε Escapable “Special” Characters . . . . . . . . . A Table 2: L TEX 2ε Commands De?ned to Work in Both Math and Table 3: Non-ASCII Letters (Excluding Accented Letters) . . . . A Table 4: Prede?ned L TEX 2ε Text-...
Instead I’m trying to limit this list to the most common math symbols and commands. If you think I forgot some very important basic function or symbol here, please let me know. List of common LATEXLATEX math symbols Trigonometric functions Integrals Matrices Dots Miscellaneous functions ...
内容提示: LATEX Mathematical SymbolsThe more unusual symbols are not defined in base LATEX (NFSS) and require \usepackage{amssymb}1Greek and Hebrew lettersαβχδηγι\alpha\beta\chi\delta\epsilon\eta\gamma\iotaκλµνoωφπ\kappa\lambda\mu\nuo\omega\phi\piψρστθυξζ\psi\rho...
本科阶段: LATEX Math for Undergrads - CTAN › info › undergradmath 大全(下载) The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List - CTAN › comprehensive › symbols-a4
LaTeX Math Symbols 可以在jupyter notebook里面使用。 1.png 2.png 3.png \documentstyle{article}%Math-mode symbol&verbatim \def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\tt\string#1\string{#2\string}}\def\X#1{$#1$ &\tt\string#1}\def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\tt\string#1}\def\Z#1{\tt\string#1}%Anon-...
latexsymbolsmathematicalmbolstextcompbinaryoperators TheComprehensiveLATEXSymbolList ScottPakin∗ 18September2003 Abstract Thisdocumentlists2826symbolsandthecorrespondingLTEXcommandsthatproducethem.Someof A thesesymbolsareguaranteedtobeavailableineveryLTEX2εsystem;othersrequirefontsandpackagesthat A maynotaccompanyagi...
\simeq \approx \wedge \vee \oplus \otimes \Box \boxtimes \equiv \cong Further reading For more information see: The great, big list of LaTeX symbols Mathematical expressions Brackets and Parentheses Integrals, sums and limits Mathematical fonts Spacing in math mode Aligning equationsDocu...