在数学模式下,可以使用\underline{}命令来给公式添加下横线。 在文本模式下,同样可以使用\underline{}命令来给文本添加下横线。 使用下横线的一个简单示例: latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} % 数学模式下的下横线 This is an example of a vector in math mode: $\underline{v}$. % 文本模式...
命令:\overline, \underline 分别在表达式上、下方画出水平线 \overline{x+y} \qquad \underline{a+b} \overline{x+y}\qquad\underline{a+b}\\ 命令:\overbrace, \underbrace 分别在表达式上、下方给出一个水平的大括号 \overbrace{1+2+\cdots+n}^{n个} \qquad \underbrace{a+b+\cdots+z}_{共有...
{trigger:"\\\(${GREEK}|${SYMBOL}) vec", replacement:"\\vec{\\[[0]]}", options:"rmA"}, {trigger:"\\\(${GREEK}|${SYMBOL}) und", replacement:"\\underline{\\[[0]]}", options:"rmA"}, {trigger:"\\\(${GREEK}),\\.", replacement:"\\boldsymbol{\\[[0]]}", options:"r...
上下划线:abcd¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯abcd¯,abcd−−−−abcd_ \overline{abcd},\underline{abcd} 上下括号:n=1+1+⋯+1 n个=1+1+⋯+1 n个n=1+1+⋯+1⏟n个=1+1+⋯+1⏞n个 n=\underbrace{1+1+\cdots+1}_{n个}=\overbrace{1+1+\cdots+1}^{n个} 就...
下划线:在 LATEX 中,下划线使用\underline{}命令。 下面是示例: Some of the \textbf{greatest} discoveries in \underline{science} were made by \textbf{\textit{accident}}. 另一个非常有用的命令是\emph{...}命令。\emph是强调文本命令,她完成的操作取决于上下文:在普通文本中,强调的文本是斜体,但是如果...
Some of the \textbf{greatest} discoveries in \underline{science} were made by \textbf{\textit{accident}}. Open this example in Overleaf. This example produces the following output: Another very useful command is \emph{argument}, whose effect on its argument depends on the context. Inside ...
Latex underline Underline text: \underline{Underlined text!} Underline text: \uline{Underlined text!} Double underline text: \underline{\underline{Double underlined text!}} Double underline text: \uuline{Double underlined text!} Wavy underlined text: \uwave{This text is underlined with a wavy ...
\underline{a+b} = \underline{a}+\overline{b} $$ 1. 2. 3. 4. amsmath 提供了在公式里加箭头的命令,需要在正文前使用 \usepackage{amsmath} 来调用 $$ \overleftarrow{a+b} \overrightarrow{a+b} \overleftrightarrow{a+b} \underleftarrow{a-b} ...
Overline and Underline LaTeX Other Functions Some of these functions take 'bottom' parts just like sums and limits. Some render differently in display mode and regular math mode. Matrices We can build an array or matrix with the \begin{array} command, and use \left and \right to properly ...
{ abc \} \\ f' & f' & \underline{abc} & \backslash \mbox{underline} \{ abc \} &\overleftarrow{abc} & \backslash \mbox{overleftarrow} \{ abc \} \\ \sqrt{abc} & \backslash \mbox{sqrt}\{abc\} & \widehat{abc} & \backslash \mbox{widehat} \{ abc \} & \overbrace{abc...