\begin{tabular}{cc} boring cell content & \parbox[t]{5cm}{rather long par\\new par} \end{tabular} 调整行列间距可以使用命令: \setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt} %colums, default value is 6pt \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} %rows, default value is 1.0 另外一种方式是在\hline和cline{i-j}后...
\uline{Underlined that breaks at the end of lines if they are too too long because the author won’t stop writing.} \\~\\ \uuline{Double-Underlined text} \\~\\ \uwave{Wavy-Underlined text} \\~\\ \sout{Strikethrough text} \\~\\ \xout{Struck with Hatching text} \\~\\ \dashul...
{} % Can be used to insert code before the heading [\titlerule] % Inserts a horizontal line after the heading \titlespacing*{\section}{0cm}{*1.8}{*1.8} section可选参数 \section[short title]{long title} 7 交叉引用Cross references • \label: Assign a symbolic name to a piece of te...
\left(\begin{array}{c:c|c}% here : means vertical dashline, | means vertical linea&b&c\\\hline% horizaontal lined&e&f\\\hdashline% horizontal dash lineg&h&i\end{array}\right)\begin{matrix}% can be replaced by pmatrix(), bmatrix[], Bmatrix{}, Vmatrix||a&\cdots&b\\\vdots&...
equation A single equation, single line (a little more compact than align space-wise) equation-split Multiple lines, one centered label. align Multiple lines, multiple alignment points. gather Multiple lines of equations all centered with no alignment. multline Long equations split over multiple ...
A @>>> B @>{\text{very long label}}>> C \\ @. @AAA @| \\ D @= E @<<< F \end{CD} $$ LaTeX 常用数学符号整理 表1 数学模式重音符号 表2 希腊字母 Tips: 如果使用大写的希腊字母,把命令的首字母变成大写即可,例如:$\Gamma$表示 ...
When we use LaTeX, we may face a problem that a document is too long to be handle. Therefore, we should divide the file so that its contents can be easily handled. Let's look at the example: %main.tex\documentclass[a4paper]{article}\begin{document} Hello Latex, This is my first par...
First, add the following line to your document preamble: \usepackage{longtable} You can then use the longtable environment, as shown in the following example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable} \begin{document} \begin{longtable}[c]{| c | c |} \caption{Long table caption.\label...
This is an unofficial reference manual for LaTeX. See below for the Table of Contents. If you want a tutorial then please instead visit learnlatex.org or see this long list.This manual has two versions. One has separate web pages for each section or subsection. It's also available as a...
\hline 0&0&1\\ 0&1&1\\ 1&0&1\\ 1&1&0\\ \end{array} 字体 希腊字母 斜体小写希腊字母一般用于在方程中显示变量。 正体希腊字母 粗体希腊字母 黑板粗体 语法 \mathbb{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ} 效果 黑板粗体(Blackboardbold)一般用于表示数学和物理学中的向量或集合的符号。 备...