1)添加package (备注:在 egin{document}之前): % for tableusepackage{tabularx} 2)在正文中添加如下格式的表格: egin{table*}[!htbp]centering egin{tabularx}{ extwidth}{lXXX} oprule& extbf{``long sentence '} & extbf{long sentence } & extbf{Notes} \midruleMotivation & long sentence long ...
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[a5paper,margin=1in]{geometry} % margin=1in使页边距为1in \begin{document} \section{A very long heading that shows the default behavior of \LaTeX's sectioning commands} \subsection{A subsection} \subsubsection{A subsubsection} \end{document} 编译: 如果这并...
-f Force latexmk to continue document processing despite errors. Normally, when latexmk detects that LaTeX or another program has found an error which will not be resolved by further processing, no further processing is carried out. Note: "Further processing" means the running of other programs ...
Fast input methods to enter LaTeX environments and math with GNU Emacs - cdlatex/cdlatex.el at master · cdominik/cdlatex
Table 1: RGB Color MapRed2552482482452452202552552532532502502502552552552552552552552552552552552552552552552402452452402402402302552552552552550Green2502482482452452202502502452452402352352392392352352282182182222222282482552502502452552552552552482482302402402282282550Blue25025525524524522024024023023023021521521321320520519618518517317318122024020520523824025025025525525525...
Determines if a chapter should start on a right-hand page; default is openright for book, and openany for report. The slides class offers the option clock for printing the time at the bottom of each note. Next: Class and package creation, Previous: Document class options, Up: Document...
--ml-continue-threshold num If a short inclusion, for instance via \foreignlanguage, does not comprise more than num plain-text words (default: 2), then the main text flow is continued. The inclusion is represented by a placeholder from collections lang_change_repl* in file yalafi/...
Let's continue using our application training example. In this case, we'd want to measure the historical levels of satisfaction with the events from the past three years or so, as well as any information possible in regards to the independent variables. \section{Second section} This seco...
Press return to continue; most of the time LATEX recovers from the error, and completes the typesetting. If LATEX can't recover from the error at the ? prompt, press X to exit. Typing H instead may yield useful advice. The * signifies interactive mode: LATEX is waiting for an ...
\usepackage[linesnumbered, ruled, vlined]{algorithm2e} \SetKwInput{KwIn}{Input} \SetKwInput{KwOut}{Output} \setcounter{algocf}{0} % \LinesNumberedHidden % hidden the number \LinesNotNumbered % using the continue numberl 1,2,3 \SetAlgoNoLine % \SetAlgoLongEnd \SetAlCapHSkip{0.5em} ...