Transformer 源代码: 神经网络 \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone}\usepackage{amsmath,times}% for aligned\usepackage{listofitems}% for \readlist to create arrays\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}% for arrow size\usepackage[outline]{contour}% glow around text\contourlength{1.4pt}% COLORS\usepa...
可以通过在导言区加入\usepackage{enumitem}来自定义默认的间距,宏包enumitem启用了选项noitemsep和控制序列\itemsep,可以在列表中使用它们,如下例所示: 使用选项 noitemsep 将选项noitemsep封闭在方括号内,并同下文所示放在控制序列\begin之后,该选项将移除默认的间距。 \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item Fedora \...
If you want to change the symbol for all items of the list, you should preferably use the enumitem environment, which I will explain using the example of ordered lists. Ordered lists Changing this environment is a little more tricky, because there’s a lot more logic involved and the easie...
"prefix": "itemlist", "body": [ "\\begin{itemize}[itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt]", " \\item ", " \\item ", "\\end{itemize}" ], "description": "Insert an itemized list" }, "Example Block": { "prefix": "exblock", "body": [ ...
\begin{enumerate}\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \item item of the list. \item item of the list. \item item of the list. \end{enumerate}\end{document} 设置方法二:方法一有一个缺陷就是你要随时设置比较麻烦,下面的方法较为简单,可以进行统一的设置。简单方便:\documentclass{article} ...
在Latex使用條列式清單itemize,enumerate,description[转]在Latex使⽤條列式清單itemize,enumerate,description[转] [另] Enumerate 修改间距 [另] \renewcommand\labelenumi{[\theenumi]} 调⽤enumerate时候编号就会添加⽅括号.
\setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} \item first item \item second item \end{itemize} 更详细的参数需要看下面list 环境。 标签和计数器 枚举的列表计数可以通过其计数器来改变。enumerate 提供了四个计数器 enumi,enumii,enumiii, enumiv 对应不同层次的...
以上的列表环境空白较大,如果需要更紧凑的列表方式,可以选用 mdwlist 宏包提供的 itemize*、enumerate* 和 description* 环境,用法和无星号的版本一致。 定制列表环境 距离 在列表的内部,很容易改变一些距离 \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} ...
Related items Specifications Obscene Picture No Fabric Type Batik Model Number 201459 Pattern Type Patchwork Gender WOMEN Material Latex Foam Description Report Item Specifications: Material: 100% Natural Latex Fabric Type: Batik Gender: Women Pattern Type: Patchwork Customization: Yes Size Range: Standard...