\item formatted within their paragraph; \item usually labelled with letters; and \item usually have the final item prefixed with `and' or `or', \end{inparaenum} like this example. list 环境 最有可定制性的当属 list 环境。以上的 enumerate, itemize,description 其本质上都是封装好的 list 环境。
在latex中有三種條列式方法 itemize 、 enumerate 、 discription很常被使用。 本文討論主題有:行距設定, 編號設定, 以及全文設定方式 排版之後, 每一條列項之前會有一文字或符號標籤(label)。在itemize 與enumerate 指令環境下, 條列項之標籤有內定之符號,但也可以自行設定。description 指令環境之標籤則由使用者自...
\item formatted within their paragraph; \item usually labelled with letters; and \item usually have the final item prefixed with`and' or `or', \end{inparaenum} like this example. list 环境 最有可定制性的当属 list 环境。以上的 enumerate, itemize,description 其本质上都是封装好的 list 环境。
在Latex使用條列式清單itemize,enumerate,description[转]在Latex使⽤條列式清單itemize,enumerate,description[转] [另] Enumerate 修改间距 [另] \renewcommand\labelenumi{[\theenumi]} 调⽤enumerate时候编号就会添加⽅括号.
通常的Org普通列表,即- item将导致一个\begin{itemize}环境,但我想设置任意的项化。例如,是否有任何类型的Org列表标记将输出这种LaTeX列表环境? \begin{itemize} \item[2013] This item happened in 2013 \item[2012] This item happened in 2012 \end{itemize} 编辑:问题在于,Org认识到这些年是不活动的时间...
itemize环境用于简单的列表,enumerate环境用于带序号的列表,description 环境用于带描述的列表。 \flushleft \begin{enumerate} \itemYoucanmixthelist environmentstoyourtaste: 1.Youcanmixthelistenvironmentsto \begin{itemize} yourtaste: \itemButitmightstartto looksilly.•Butitmightstarttolooksilly. \item[-]...
%分点 \begin{itemize} \item [1.] \item \item \end{itemize} 空行:\\ 下划线:\_{} 百分号:\% 加粗:\textbf{} 斜体:\textit{} 或 $x$ 或公式斜体:\mathit{} 高亮:\usepackage {soul} \hl {xxx} %文章结构章:\section{} 节:\subsection{} 条:\subsubsection{} 论文规范 缩写 一个词或词组...
asterisks should be used to indicate which affiliation goes with which author. The affiliation(s) should be centered and in upper/lower case letters. The different parts of the affiliation(s) should be separated by commas, and if more than one line is necessary, the different lines should be...
asterisks should be used to indicate which affiliation goes with which author. The affiliation(s) should be centered and in upper/lower case letters. The different parts of the affiliation(s) should be separated by commas, and if more than one line is necessary, the different lines should be...
Calligraphic letters, for use in math mode. Note: 大写字母才有书法字体,小写的是无效的。 字母大小写转换(pipi add) \MakeUppercase{abc} ABC \MakeLowercase 首字母大写(只能对第一个有效) \usepackage{stringstrings} \capitalize{abc abc} Abc abc ...