Adjust spacing: If you're facing issues with spacing, such as too much space between items or sections, you can use commands like \vspace{-5mm} to reduce vertical space or \hspace{-5mm} for horizontal space. These commands give you more control over the exact spacing in your document, al...
(#3289) Wrong indentation of new items in tabs indented itemize environment. (#3290) / is missing when using %RELATIVE_DIR% and %RELATIVE_DOC%. (#3296) Fix hover and provide definition for commands. Refactor the tokenizer used to determine the command under cursor, if any. A LaTeX...
You can include other LaTeX commands between the \documentclass and the \begin{document} commands. This area is called the preamble. The \begin{document}… \end{document} pair defines an environment; the ‘document’ environment (and no others) is required in all LaTeX documents (see document...
如果要出现方框,只需要将 itemize 替换为 todolist 即可,如下所示: \begin{todolist} \item[\wontfix] hello \item[\done] Mathpretty \item hi \end{todolist} 最终的效果如下所示,可以看到 hi 前面的「点」变成了「方框」: 改变边缘距离 参考链接: Is there any other margin I must set to reduce ma...
import the package first:\usepackage{enumitem}then put\setlist{nosep,after=\vspace{0.5\baselineskip},leftmargin=12pt}before before\begin{document}, this would (globally) remove separations between items, reduce the space at the bottom of list environments and reduce the left indentation to 12pt...
and choose the width accordingly. The nomenclature entries have rather much vertical space between them. This can be changed by adding one of the following lines to your preamble: ;;No extra skip \setlength{\nomitemsep}{-\parsep} ;; Set to 1cm ...
and choose the width accordingly. The nomenclature entries have rather much vertical space between them. This can be changed by adding one of the following lines to your preamble: ;;No extra skip \setlength{\nomitemsep}{-\parsep} ;; Set to 1cm ...
Also, note that amsart redefines the enumerate and itemize environ- ments with a \makelabel command that uses \llap, so the \labelwidth value is (effec- tively) irrelevant; nonetheless, we follow amsart and set \labelwidth to \leftmargin minus \labelsep. 1001 \newdimen\@ACM@labelwidth ...
17-30:Refactor list generation to reduce code duplication. The functions have similar structure and contain an unusednameparameter. -def get_bullet_list(elements, name=""):+def get_latex_list(elements, list_type="itemize"):+"""Generate a LaTeX list from elements.++Args:+elements: List of ...
{\vspace{-\topsep}\begin{itemize}\itemsep1pt \parskip0pt \parsep0pt} {\end{itemize}\vspace{-\topsep}} LaTeX Workshop Custom Recipe "":` [ { "command": "xelatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", ...