\includegraphics[width=6cm]{4a.eps}\caption{World Map}\end{minipage}%}%\subfigure[2]{\begin{minipage}{7cm}\centering \includegraphics[width=6cm]{4b.eps}\caption{Concrete and Constructions}\end{minipage}}\caption{side by side figure}\end{figure} 如不能正常并排排列,可以尝试改一下width参数。
depending upon the value of the file argument: toc - the name of the sectional unit, such as part or subsection lof - figure lot - tableentryis the
为了好看和交叉引用,你需要一个figure。于是,在要插图的位置建议这么写: \begin{figure}[htbp] %插侧图用wrapfigure \begin{tikzpicture} %一堆作图指令 \end{tikzpicture} \caption{你的图片标题} %引入caption这个包后,也可以用\caption*来引入无序号标题 \label{fig:你的交叉引用标签} \end{figure} 具体的...
[example_prob2.tex] A more complex one, but this time inside the figure construct in a double column format [example_laplace.tex] Inside the wrapfigure construct but for a single column format [example_overlay.tex] More complicated examples, side-by-side using the minipage construct in a si...
{\caption{A caption for a table in a figure and a table side by side}\label{tab:test}} \end{floatrow} \end{figure} \end{document} 1.2. 图表并列效果: 图表并列 引用自:https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/101980/table-and-figure-side-by-side-with-table-caption-above-figure-caption-be...
Whether you're looking to enhance your figure or add a touch of latex to your wardrobe, this corset is the perfect choice for those who value both style and comfort. Love latex neck collar ! Let you love wearing latex is wonderful feeling ! All of our latex are made of 100% pure ...
Add intellisense for the figure environment. Support file completion for import package. (#1234) Add Save without Building. Fixed Fix external reverse synctex on Windows. (#922) Use scala syntax inside scalacode environment. (#1235) Declare [a-zA-Z]* matrix as array environments. (#124...
lLleft side of the text iIinside edge–near the binding (in atwosidedocument) oOoutside edge–far from the binding The uppercase version allows the figure to float. The lowercase version meansexactly here. Now you can define thewrapfigureenvironment by means of the commands\begin{wrapfigure}{...
Suppose there is a line% !TEX program = xelatexin the root file. Upon building the project, LaTeX Workshop will parse the root file and figure out thatxelatexshould be used. When using% !TEX programwith bibliographies, abibcompiler must be defined with% !BIB programcomment, e.g.,% !BIB...
使用 pgf 后端,matplotlib 可以将图形导出为可以使用 pdflatex,xelatex 或 lualatex 处理的 pgf 绘图命令。 XeLaTeX 和 LuaLaTeX 具有完整的 unicode 支持,可以使用安装在操作系统中的任何字体,利用 OpenType,AAT 和 Graphite 的高级排版功能。 由plt.savefig('figure.pgf')创建的 Pgf 图片可以作为原始命令嵌入到...