拼盒子也可以(\vbox 套 \hbox,很老派的做法),用个 2*2 的表格再调整间距也可以(tabular有支架...
{adjustbox} % to force image position %\usepackage[section]{placeins} % to have multiple images in a figure \usepackage{tabularx} % for wrapping text in a table %\usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{subcaption} % to have multiple images in a figure %\usepackage{smart...
y=sin(x);My_paper_figure(x,y)text('Interpreter','latex','String','$\rightarrow\phi +\sin(x)$','Position',[2.2 sin(2)],'FontSize',20); %在坐标(2.2,sin(2)处输出-->)输出结果为:2、将Matlab的计算结果转化成Latex格式 (1)、对于Matlab计算出的符号运算结果,可以通过...
You can put more than one value in the parameter, for instance, if you write [ht] LATEX will try to position the figurehere, but if it's not possible (the space may be insufficient) then the figure will appear at thetopof the page. It is recommended to use more than...
figure(1);clf;hold on;h1 = plot(x,y);h2 = plot(x,y1);axis([-10,8,-3.5,1]);str1 = '$${{\sin \left( x \right) + \cos \left( x \right)} \over{\sin \left( x \right) + 2}}$$';str2 = '$${{3\sin \left( x \right) + 2\cos \left( x \right...
position3&position4\\ %分隔符号 \hline \end{tabular} \caption{标签文字} \label{tab:label1} %创建label1表格标签 } \end{table} 引用刚刚创建好的label1标签 table \ref{tab:label1} is my first table 图片的使用 \begin{figure}[h]
The figures and graphs in Latex are created using the figure environment, which is represented as:\begin{figure}[where] ... \end{figure} Here, where represents the location of the figure either at the top [t] or the bottom [b].All ...
figure环境 代码语言:latex 复制 \begin{figure}[htbp]\centering\includegraphics{example.png}\caption{示例图片}\label{fig:example}\end{figure} [htbp]是位置选项,h表示“此处”,t表示“顶部”,b表示“底部”,p表示“独立一页” \centering居中,\caption设置标题,\label添加标签引用 ...
/eps/}} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps} \fi 3 插入浮动图形(浮动图形由latex自动指定位置,一般放在一页的最前面或最后面) \begin{figure...} \centering //设置对齐格式 \includegraphics [width=0.75...
\parpic(width,height)(x-off,y-off)[Options][Position]{Picture}段落文本 除了Picture 以外所有的命令都是可选的,详见王磊的插图指南。 29。怎样使图形并列? 答:用subfigure宏包。 一个例子是 \begin{figure}\centering\mbox{ \subfigure[Big]{\includegraphics ...} \quad\subfigure[Small]{\includegraphics ...