LaTeX was designed under the assumption that the user wants to focus on logical structure and leave the formatting up to the typesetting program. Consistent with this design philosophy, nested enumerated lists simply wrapped with\begin{enumerate}and\end{enumerate}and individual list items are marked ...
In books, is customary to use Roman numerals for the pages before the first chapter/section, and Arabic numbers for the rest of the document. There are two commands available in the book document class that accomplish this: 7.2Document class 7.3Using two page numbering styles in a single docu...
Level enumerate counter variable Level 1 enumi Level 2 enumii Level 3 enumiii Level 4 enumiv These counters can be changed using the \setcounter command. See the example below—which is not necessarily the best solution (see the Overleaf lists article for more information): This example sho...
In books, is customary to use Roman numerals for the pages before the first chapter/section, and Arabic numbers for the rest of the document. There are two commands available in the book document class that accomplish this: 7.2Document class 7.3Using two page numbering styles in a single docu...
\arabic{enumiii}.\arabic{enumiv}} \begin{enumerate} \item One \item Two \item Three \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one, point one \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one, point one, point one \item Three point one, point one, point two...
\arabic{enumiii}.\arabic{enumiv}} \begin{enumerate} \item One \item Two \item Three \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one, point one \begin{enumerate} \item Three point one, point one, point one \item Three point one, point one, point two...
The letters and numbers (“a”, “b” and “1”) that enumerate the captions and subcaptions are caption labels. In the above, the subfigure caption label is enclosed by parentheses and the figure caption label is separated from the caption text by a colon. This page will go over a few...
\begin{enumerate} \item\texttt{\textbackslashfrontmatter}, which uses Roman numerals for the page numbers and is used for the title page and the table of contents; \item\texttt{\textbackslashmainmatter}, which uses Arabic numerals for the page numbers and is the style for the chapters; ...
8.7 enumerate 8.8 eqnarray 8.9 equation 8.10 figure 8.11 filecontents 8.12 flushleft 8.12.1 \raggedright 8.13 flushright 8.13.1 \raggedleft 8.14 itemize 8.15 letter environment: writing letters 8.16 list 8.16.1 \item: An entry in a list 8.16.2 trivlist: A restricted form of list 8.17...
6.4enumerate \begin{enumerate} \itemFirstitem \itemSeconditem ... \end{enumerate} Theenumerateenvironmentproducesanumberedlist.Enumerationscanbenested withinoneanother,uptofourlevelsdeep.Theycsobenestedwithinotherparagraph- makingenvironments.Eachitemofanenumeratedlistbeginswithan\itemcommand. Theremustbeatleast...