3 Breaking long equation after a certain left bracket 2 Two double-line equations need double left brackets 7 Spacing within brackets of a matrix 5 Square pictures as symbols 1 Curly Bracket size and appearance 3 Adding curly brace to the right-hand side of the equation 1 Bottom sq...
Parentheses; round brackets(x+y)(x+y) Brackets; square brackets [x+y] Braces; curly brackets\{ x+y \}{x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle Pipes; vertical bars|x+y||x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| Some examples The size of brackets and parentheses can be manually set, or they...
\doublecap \doublecap 复制 嵌入 \doublecup \doublecup 复制 嵌入 \pm \text{or} \plusmn \pm \text{or} \plusmn 复制 嵌入 集合 Latex符号操作 \{ \} \{ \} 复制 嵌入 \emptyset \emptyset 复制 嵌入 \varnothing \varnothing 复制 ...
Parentheses; round brackets(x+y)(x+y) Brackets; square brackets [x+y] Braces; curly brackets\{ x+y \}{x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle Pipes; vertical bars|x+y||x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| Some examples The size of brackets and parentheses can be manually set, or they...
Brackets; square brackets [x+y] [x+y] Braces; curly brackets \{ x+y \} {x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle ⟨x+y⟩ Pipes; vertical bars |x+y| |x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| ∥x+y∥ Some examples The size of brackets and parentheses can be manually set, or...
Parentheses; round brackets(x+y)(x+y) Brackets; square brackets [x+y] Braces; curly brackets\{ x+y \}{x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle ⟨x+y⟩ Pipes; vertical bars|x+y||x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| Some examples ...
22 ⋯ \cdots 54 ⩞ \doublebarwedge 23 ⌣ \smile 55 ≬ \between 24 ⌢ \frown 56 ⋔ \pitchfork 25 ≀ \wr 57 ⊲ \vartriangleleft 26 ◃ \triangleleft 58 ⋪ \ntriangleleft 27 ▹ \triangleright 59 ⊳ \vartriangleright 28 ♢ \diamondsuit 60 ⋫ \ntriangleright 29...
2 A square bracket '[' with a double vertical line 0 Create a new double bracket symbol, or properly scale the existing one Related 4 Linebreak in equations 6 How can I get nested angle brackets, i.e. - < … < … > … > 22 How to create a list of symbols where ...
Parentheses; round brackets(x+y)(x+y) Brackets; square brackets [x+y] Braces; curly brackets\{ x+y \}{x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle ⟨x+y⟩ Pipes; vertical bars|x+y||x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| Some examples ...
Parentheses; round brackets(x+y)(x+y) Brackets; square brackets [x+y] Braces; curly brackets\{ x+y \}{x+y} Angle brackets \langle x+y \rangle ⟨x+y⟩ Pipes; vertical bars|x+y||x+y| Double pipes \|x+y\| Some examples ...