打开一个变量的设置界面主要有两种方式 (以 cdlatex-math-symbol-alist 为例) 通过customize-variable 命令: M-x customize-variable RET M-x cdlatex-math-symbol-alist RET 从变量的帮助界面进入设置界面: C-h v cdlatex-math-symbol-alist RET 并点击 Customize 设置实例 我们想调换 `e 和 ``e 原本的...
点击“Customize”,左边语言包先点击“无”,然后只勾选“Chinese”和“US and UK English”,右边工程包不勾选“TeXworks editor; TL includes only the Windows binary”,即不勾选配置主菜单的“安装TeXworks前端”(工程包和配置主菜单其他项均勾选)。最后点击“确定”,再点击“安装”,耐心等待安装完成,安装时...
点击左侧的“Customize”,可以将用不到的语言和功能取消勾选,加快安装的进度,取消右侧的“安装Texworks前端”勾选,当然你也可以按照默认,最后点击“安装”,等待时间根据安装内容的多少不确定,直到看到下面的界面,说明安装完成了。 为了验证TeX Live是否安装正确,需要在命令行窗口输入命令,如果可以看到版本信息,说明安装...
TeX-electric-math,这个变量实现的是自动插入两个$,以及可以在输入$时自动输入\(\)——有助于和evil-tex配合。 LaTeX-electric-left-right-brace,这个变量实现自动补全括号 TeX-electric-sub-and-superscript,这个变量实现在输入上、下标时自动加入大括号 对于更多功能请查阅文档AUCTeX 13.1: Table of Contents。其中...
which are the usual numbers we mostly use. However, we cancustomize the page numbering of our document. For example,it is conventional to number the pages of a book before the first page of the main text (the preamble, table of contents, etc.) using lowercase roman numbers. Sometimes appe...
% Customize the section headers \RequirePackage{titlesec} % footnote \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % Set the margins \RequirePackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} 最后,在.tex文件中通过\documentclass{Mylatex}来使用该cls文件即可~~~ ...
Once these are in the same location, follow the complilation instructions on the top of the .tex file to properly tell LaTeX to compile the document in a specified order. This .tex file provides instructions on a customized table of contents and sections/subsections. ...
Another cool feature of LaTeX is that it automatically handles things like numbering sections and creating a table of contents. This saves you a ton of time and makes your document look super professional. Plus, you can easily add images, graphs, and other media to your document to make it...
To get an unnumbered chapter, section, subsection, etc. add an asterisk (*) at the end of the command, before the opening curly brace. These will not go into the table of contents. Here is our first example (above) but this time using\section*instead of\section: ...
In the front and back matter, the \chapter command does not produce a chapter number, but it does make a table of contents entry; this can be used, for example, to produce a preface or acknowledgments section. Inside these kind of chapters, only the starred versions of other sectioning co...