How to write Latex imaginary part symbol of a complex number? The real number b is called the imaginary part of the complex number a + ib. Let $a,b\in \mathbb{R}$ and $z=a+ib \in \mathbb{C}$. Real part and imaginary part are defined like follows: \[\begin{array}{ccc} a &...
In function analysis, the convolution of f and g f∗g is defined as the integral of the product of the two functions after one is reversed and shifted. Write default Latex convolution symbol You can use \ast function: $$(f\astg)(t):=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(\tau)g(t-\tau)d...
Intrusion Log&Analysis of a large number of behavioral operation logs left after an attacker invades the host,can extract relevant attacker information.\\ Attack Model&This method of tracing is mainly found in individuals or organizations with a relatively high degree of specialization.They have their...
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{nomencl}\makenomenclature\begin{document}Here is an example:\nomenclature{\(+a\)}{Operator}\nomenclature{\(2a\)}{Number}\nomenclature{\(:a\)}{Punctuation symbol}\nomenclature{\(Aa\)}{Uppercase letter}\nomenclature{\(aa\)}{Lowercase letter}\nomenclature{\(\al...
To make a comment in LaTeX, simply write a % symbol at the beginning of the line, as shown in the following code which uses the example above: \documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article} \title{My first LaTeX document} \author{Hubert Farnsworth\thanks{Funded by the Overleaf team.}} \da...
环境信息 操作系统:CentOS 7.6.1810 go版本:1.12 vim版本:7.4.1099 准备工具 确保vim、git、wget这三个工具已安装; 一次操作完成设置 执行以下命令即可完成go语法高亮设置: mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload \ && mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugged \ && cd ~/.vim/plugged \ && git clone
The number inside the brackets determines the order to print the corresponding symbol. One can also combine grouping and manually sorting: Open thisnomenclexample in Overleaf Notice that the capital letters used for grouping are different from the ones used in the example at previous section, becaus...
The number inside the brackets determines the order to print the corresponding symbol. One can also combine grouping and manually sorting: Open thisnomenclexample in Overleaf Notice that the capital letters used for grouping are different from the ones used in the example at previous section, becaus...
Although LaTeX is shipped with a huge number of commands it often becomes necessary to define your own special commands to simplify your work, reduce repetitive tasks or perform some complex formatting. Simple commands New commands are defined by\newcommand; so let's see a simple example: ...
wave: Wavelength, a number between 363 and 814. The number represents the wavelength of light, in nanometres (nm) Setting the page background color The background color of the entire page can be easily changed with\pagecolor. The following code demonstrates this, using the text of an earlie...