使用matrix环境创建一个普通的矩阵,例如一个 2x2 的矩阵:\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & ...
LaTeX 源文件的每一行称作一条语句(statement),语句可以分三种:命令(command)、数据(data)和注释(comment)。 命令分为两种:普通命令和环境(environment)。普通命令以 \ 起始,大多只有一行;而环境包含一对起始声明和结尾声明,用于多行的场合。命令和环境可以互相嵌套。 数据就是普通内容。注释语句以 % 起始,它在编译...
\usepackage{amssymb} \begin{document} % plus the \end{document} command at the end. \maketitle % make the title \tableofcontents % add the content \section{Simple Text} % This command makes a section title. Words are separated by one or more spaces. Paragraphs are separated by one or ...
We can build an array or matrix with the \begin{array} command, and use \left and \right to properly size the delimiters around the matrix: The characteristic polynomial$f(\lambda)$of the$3\times3$matrix \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & b & c <br />d & e & f <br />g &...
command窗口中输入 texdox ctex 1.3 字体字号设置 % 导言区 进行全局设置 % 设置normalsize的大小为10磅 一般为10/11/12 \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{ctex} % LaTeX中格式与内容分离 % 一般不在正文区定义格式 而是在导言区定义一个myfont命令 \newcommand{\myfont}{\textit{\textbf{\textsf{Fa...
这些宽度里,\hsize 是 Plain TeX 的宏,不推荐 LaTeX 用户使用,简单地当它不存在就好了。 在单栏...
Command or symbol \phantom{} \color \cancel \underrightarrow, \underleftarrow, \underleftrightarrow \lneq, \gneq, \lvertneq, \gvertneq \thinspace, \medspace, \thickspace, \negthinspace, \negmedspace, \negthickspace "\:", "\,", "\;", "\!", "\ " ...
The function displays the latex code for any numerical 2D matrix on the command window. INPUTS: M: The numerical matrix to be converted to latex frmt (Optional): The text formatting speciffier. (Default: '%0.4f') Outputs None Examples ...
⋀⋀ \bigwedge ⋀ba⋀ab \bigwedge_{a}^ ⋀bac⋀abc \begin{matrix} \bigwedge_{a}^{b} {c} \end 集合 symbolcommandsymbolcommandsymbolcommand ∀∀ \forall ∃∃ \exists ∄∄ \nexists ∅∅ \emptyset ∅∅ \varnothing ∈∈ \in ∉∉ \not\in ∋∋ \ni...
Matrix (lcr here means left, center or right for each column) \[ \left[ \begin{array}{lcr} a1 & b22 & c333 \\ d444 & e555555 & f6 \end{array} \right] \] Equations(here \& is the symbol for aligning different rows)