% 中文默认字体:宋体,粗体以黑体代替,斜体以楷书代替\setCJKmainfont{SimSun}[ BoldFont = SimHei , ItalicFont = KaiTi ]% 中文无衬线字体:微软雅黑,粗体为对应的微软雅黑粗体\setCJKsansfont{Microsoft~YaHei}[ BoldFont = *~Bold ]% 中文等宽字体:仿宋\setCJKmonofont{FangSong}% 设置中文字族\setCJKfami...
I'm creating a MATLAB plot to be exported in a LaTeX document in eps format. For instance, I have the following ylabel command that works properly: ylabel('$\alpha \in R$','Interpreter','latex') However, if I try to use black board style in the text for the letter R this will...
Emphasized text is typed like this: \emph{this is emphasized}. Bold text is typed like this: \textbf{this is bold}. \subsection{A Warning or Two} % This command makes a subsection title. If you get too much space after a mid-sentence period---abbreviations like etc.\ are the common ...
{\fontenSansColor}{\enSans\sffamily\color{WhatEverColor}} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\fontenMonoColor}{\enMono\ttfamily\color{WhatEverColor}} \begin{document} \textrm{有衬线 中文} \textsf{无衬线 中文} \texttt{等宽 中文} \textrm{English} \textsf{English} \texttt{English} \texttt{等宽的字体,\...
Those commands enable you to use Bold, Italic, Underline, Typewriter fonts and much more in LaTeX. NameSymbolCommand Bold TextText \textbf{Text} Italic TextText \textit{Text} Typewriter TextText \texttt{Text} Sans-Serif TextText \ltextsf{Text} Serif (Roman) TextText \textrm{Text} Underline ...
激活LaTeX的bundle之后,只需要使用组合键 Command+R 就可以轻松编译.tex文件。 除此之外,此bundle还支持一些简单而又强大的编译的配置选项(见图2),还可以选择preview PDF的阅读器,比如我用的是skim。同时TextMate可以简单的将文本渲染成更容易理解的格式(见下图),比如section title会变成大号字体等等,使你编辑起来更...
Some commands require one or moreparameters; for example, the\textbfcommand (used above) which takes a single parameter—the text to show in bold type, which is written inside braces like this:\textbf{make this bold}. There are alsooptionalparameters which can be passed to a command to chan...
Bold text To make a text bold use\textbfcommand: Some of the\textbf{greatest}discoveries in science were made by accident. Open this LaTeX fragment in Overleaf. The following graphic shows the output of this LaTeX code—the document preamble is added automatically by the Overleaf link: ...
激活LaTeX的bundle之后,只需要使用组合键 Command+R 就可以轻松编译.tex文件。 除此之外,此bundle还支持一些简单而又强大的编译的配置选项(见图2),还可以选择preview PDF的阅读器,比如我用的是skim。同时TextMate可以简单的将文本渲染成更容易理解的格式(见下图),比如section title会变成大号字体等等,使你编辑起来更...