{ // 默认的编译链方案为“首个” // 可选项:first, lastUsed "latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "first", // 永不自动编译 // 可选项:onFileChange, onSave, never "latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run": "never", // 永不清理辅助文件 // 可选项:onBuilt, onFailed, never "latex-work...
例如 \AfterBegin{itemize}{\addtolength{\itemsep}{-\baselineskip}} 就在环境内以重新设置 \itemsep 来压缩items之间的距离 。 mdwlist 宏包有一个 itemize* 环境; paralist 宏包提供了一个item之间距离压缩环境和一个使每个item不在新的一段开始的 inparaenum 环境。 4。图表 为了节约空间,可用 subfigure ...
\begin{equation} \begin{split} \cos 2x&=\cos 2x+\sin x +5\\ &=2\cos x + 5 \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{equation} D(x)=\begin{cases} %实现分段函数 1,&\text{如果} x \in \mathbb{Q};\\ 0,&\text{如果} x \in \mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Q};\\ \end{cases} \end...
的一半, 缺省为6pt; \arrayrulewidth为定义\hline, \vline, \cline及列定义的分隔线|的线宽, 缺省为0.4pt; \doublerulesep 为连续两个\hline或列定义中连续两个|所画的线段之间的间隔, 缺省为2pt, 如果设为0pt, 则可以用连续的\hline或|来加粗表格 的某些线框; \arraystretch是一个实数, 缺省...
(#3778) Associate log warnings with no line number to line 1. [9.7.0] - 2023-02-14 Added Update grammar files. (#3699) Add a pair of new commands to change hostname of the PDF viewer. latex-workshop.changeHostName and latex-workshop.resetHostName. Changed LaTeX Workshop now requir...
(#3778) Associate log warnings with no line number to line 1. [9.7.0] - 2023-02-14 Added Update grammar files. (#3699) Add a pair of new commands to change hostname of the PDF viewer. latex-workshop.changeHostName and latex-workshop.resetHostName. Changed LaTeX Workshop now...
Most blank spaces and end-of-line characters in your raw code are ignored. Spaces will usually be placed in the rendered equation according to standard mathematical conventions. For example, a b + c / d produces ab+c/d. I'll try to note exceptions when they arise. ...
Mark (draft) or do not mark (final) overfull boxes with a black box in the margin; default is final. fleqn Put displayed formulas flush left; default is centered. landscape Selects landscape format; default is portrait. leqno Put equation numbers on the left side of equations; default...
\section{勾股定理的近代形式}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{参考文献}%用来添加文献的标准方式 \section{附录}%要写的附录 加粗:\textbf{文字}斜体:\emph{文字}下划线:\underline{文字}不缩进:\noindent段落结束换行:\par空白行:{\par\vskip 2.5ex}图片设置英文题注: ...