\begin{itemize} \item The individual entries are indicated with a black dot, a so-called bullet. \item The text in the entries may be of any length. \end{itemize} 默认情况下,各个条目用黑点表示。条目中的文本可以是任何长度。 有序列表 有序列表在enumerate环境中创建,针对条目的语法与无序列表...
pstricks-add 极坐标 准备工作首先要引入 PSTricks 宏包。PSTricks 中缺省长度单位是 1cm,我们也可以设置自己的单位。 \usepackage{pstricks} \psset{unit=10pt} 绘图命令一般要放在 pspicture 环境里,这样 LATEX 就会给图形预留一个矩形区域,注意这个矩形要能容纳所有图形对象。为了节省空间,在本节后面的示例代码...
fancy还提供了页眉页脚分隔线\headrulewidth和\footrulewidth,其默认值分别为0.4pt和0pt。可以使用\addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparsep}接\addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparwidth}把旁注的宽度也加进去。 至于页眉页脚的宽度,默认等于\textwidth,可以使用\headwidth和\footwidth改变之。 与包fancyheadings类似...
(#2203) Refactor and add above/below to view.pdf.tab.editorGroup. (#2207) Ignore verbatim content when computing structure. (#2211) Add onSave option to latex.autoBuild.run Reverts 4d3ea8b (#2223) Remove press a-z and space for greek letter. (#2229) Add TBA snippet for tab...
颜色 小型数学公式 强制使用PNG 函数、符号及特殊字符 声调 函数 同余 微分 集合 逻辑 根号 关系符号 几何符号 箭头符号 特殊符号 上标、下标及 积分 等 分数 、 矩阵 和多行列式 字体 希腊字母 斜体小写希腊字母一般用于在方程中显示变量。 正体希腊字母
To make a comment in LaTeX, simply write a % symbol at the beginning of the line, as shown in the following code which uses the example above: \documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article} \title{My first LaTeX document} \author{Hubert Farnsworth\thanks{Funded by the Overleaf team.}} \da...
\mathbb{R}: is what the new command does. In this case, the letter R will be written in blackboard boldface style. Use of the\mathbbcommand requires theamssymbpackage, which was added to the example above (in the preamble). After the command is defined we can use it in the text, as...
\mathbb{R}: is what the new command does. In this case, the letter R will be written in blackboard boldface style. Use of the\mathbbcommand requires theamssymbpackage, which was added to the example above (in the preamble). After the command is defined we can use it in the text, as...
All latin and greek letters with dot, double dot, tilde, hat or bar above. All latin double-struck, script and fraktur capital letters. All superscripts and subscripts (except for the latin small letter schwa). Quite a few mathematical operators and symbols. ...
alsoletter={1234567890},otherkeywords={\%, \}, \{, \&, \|},keywordstyle=\color{keywordcolour}\bfseries,emph={and,break,class,continue,def,yield,del,elif ,else,except,exec,finally,for,from,global,if,import,in,lambda,not,or,pass,print,raise,return,try,while,assert,with},emph...