Markdown: List 嵌入 code block Code is possible in markdown (seehere) - you just have toleave a blank lineandthen indent by 8 spacesas a minimum. The text below: * examplethis.isSomeCode =true; * addMoreCode(); will generate this: example this.isSomeCode=true; addMoreCode(); LaT...
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Pythonadd function, label=lst:add] # This is a Python code blockdef add(x, y): return x + y print(add(2, 3)) \end{lstlisting} 上述代码块中使用了caption参数来添加标题,并使用label参数添加标签用于引用代码块。可以使用\ref{lst:add}来引用这个代码块,此时会输出代...
-- 在这里放一个隐藏的input,用来选择文件 -->41<input42ref="uploadInput"43style="display: none"44type="file"45@change="uploadFileChange"46/>47</div>48</template>49<script>50import { mapGetters } from "vuex";51import { addCodeBtn } from "@/common/codeblock";52exportdefault{53name: "...
(#2198) Add a command to select the full content of the current environment. (#2225) Enable latex-workshop.surround on the Command Palette. (#2249) Improve support for LaTeX fenced code block in Markdown. Changed Update PDF.js to v2.4.456. Drop support for vscode < 1.42. (#2158...
11、eld or in .tex file of citekey name Select:ans=* You have selected: No annotations>>ANNOTATIONS:<<PRESENTATIONS:% 报告(*) Do not add presentation type for conference talks(p) Add presentation, speaker not highlighted (b) Presentation, speaker bold face (i) Presentaion, speaker italic ...
(add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/Program Files (x86)/Aspell/bin/") (setq ispell-program-name "aspell") (setq ispell-personal-dictionary "C:/Program Files (x86)/Aspell/dict/") (require 'ispell) (global-set-key (kbd "<f9>") 'ispell-word) % 检查光标所在位置的单词 ...
code boolean true Add code highlighting for a code block which created by indenting. To auto-detect the language, set auto=true Footnotes type default fontSize string unset Ability to change font size for footnotes section compact_refs boolean unset Renders footnote references in a compact format,...
宏包atbeginend.sty 提供了 \BeforeBegin{environment}{code-to-execute}, \AfterEnd 等等命令。这些命令可去掉环境外面和内部的空间。例如 \AfterBegin{itemize}{\addtolength{\itemsep}{-\baselineskip}} 就在环境内以重新 设置\itemsep 来压缩items之间的距离 。
14.3 \addtolength 14.4 \settodepth 14.5 \settoheight 14.6 \settowidth 14.7 \stretch 14.8 Expressions 15 Making paragraphs 15.1 \par 15.2 \indent & \noindent 15.3 \parindent & \parskip 15.4 Marginal notes 16 Math formulas 16.1 Subscripts & superscripts 16.2 Math symbols 16.2.1 Arrows 16.2...
在插入三线表的时候,在引言区加入\usepackage{booktabs} 如果是在双栏的环境里,如果我们的表格比较大...