To install latest version of golang on Ubuntu 1. wget 2. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz 3.vim ~/.bashrc export GOPATH=/opt/go export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export GOARCH=amd64 export GOOS=li...
针对你提到的“package wget-1.14-18.el7_6.1.x86_64 already installed and latest version”这一状态描述,我们可以从以下几个方面进行解析和回答: 确认软件包的状态: 该状态描述已经明确告诉我们,wget-1.14-18.el7_6.1.x86_64 这个软件包已经安装,并且是最新版本。 无需进一步操作: 由于软件包已经是最新版本...
Programming and coding are probably some of the most popular things that people look for when it comes to online courses - naturally, this has made it so that there is a huge variety of courses to choose from. I personally think that " CrowdforThink" is one of such websites that you c...
when I run the nvidia-smi command I get that the Driver Version is 535.146.02 and the CUDA version is 12.2?I have to install the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit so that I can run nvss --version - sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkitwhen I run the nvcc --version command I get this g...
wget sudo dpkg -i libseccomp2_2.5.1-1_armhf.deb Wanted to mention that the link above doesn't work. The version is updated as of March 11, 2022. This works for me: wget
I have included the logs for both versions of pyenv below. pyenv version 2.2.3: pyenv install 3.7.12 pyenv version 2.2.2: pyenv install 3.7.12 Prerequisite Make sure your problem is not listed in the common build problems. Make sure no duplicated issue has already been reported in the ...
Updating Google Chrome with the latest version is very easy. When you install Google Chrome, it adds an entry of the official Google repo to the distribution’s repo list. So, it will automatically get updated whenever Google pushes updates for Chrome. So you do not need to update Google ...
Firefox is the default web browser in many Linux distributions, and Ubuntu is one of them. Firefox comes preinstalled on Ubuntu unless you are using Ubuntu's minimal version. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to install the latest version of Firefox on Ubuntu or any other Linux...
In this tutorial, we will install the latest stable version of OpenSSL - OpenSSL 3.0.7. You can download the source code from the OpenSSL site. Go to the '/usr/local/src' directory and download the OpenSSL source code using wget.
wget$(lastversion --assets mautic/mautic) This will download all assets of the newest stable Mautic, which are two zip files. How this works:lastversionoutputs all asset URLs, each on a new line, andwgetis smart enough to download each URL. Magic :) ...