DD supports only "file version" of reports from Tenable:https://documentation.defectdojo.com/integrations/parsers/file/tenable/ Only the following tools are supported via API:https://documentation.defectdojo.com/integrations/parsers/api/ This fact is mentioned in your page:
. Nessus Agent (10.8.2) TU-1239 Moderate . Nessus Agent (x64) (10.8.2) TU-1239 Moderate . Lenovo Dock Manager (x64) ( TU-1855 Moderate . Lenovo Dock Manager PreReqHandler TU-1855 Moderate . Iriun Webcam version (2.8.10) TU-1325 Moderate . Royal TS (7.03.50102.0) TU-822...
Nessus 3.1 Free A complete analysis of your security level local and remote Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws....