They suggested to downgrade the version of mediapipe to 0.75 but this was about a year ago.Is there a fix for this? Since v0.75 doesn't have the latest solutions.I'm using bazel version 4.2.1 and python version 3.9.7mysticidiot added the type:build/install label Oct 1, 2021 google-...
MediaPipe version: 0.8.4 or latest nightly build Bazel version:3.7.4 Solution (e.g. FaceMesh, Pose, Holistic):hands Programming Language and version ( e.g. C++, Python, Java):C++ Describe the expected behavior: #1971 #1973 Use the procedure described in above two issues , we Can obtain...
mediapipe pose tracking example by @nikolausWest in Measure message queue by @emilk in Don't purge timeless data by @emilk in Show frame time in top...
When i build mp_multi_hand_aar.aar in the latest mediapipe config with opencv3.4.3 , used for replace lib/mp_multi_hand_aar.aar in the android app demo , app coll...
If the version is set to you will get: success Issue submission checklist This is not a generic OpenCV usage question (looking for help for coding, other usage questions, homework etc.) I have read the README of this repository and understand that this repository provides only an...
Can you confirm the BUILD file's path is /home/t/Opensource/mediapipe/mediapipe/util and I just need to add your comment on the top of original build and change original package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) to package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])?
Fix documentation broken links and remove whitespace at end of lines Dec 3, 2024 installer removing periods from update link to prevent page not found error Nov 1, 2024 invokeai chore: bump version to v5.4.3rc2 Dec 3, 2024 scripts
"version": "1.0.3", "version": "1.0.6", "description": "Pretrained face landmarks detection model", "main": "dist/index.js", "jsnext:main": "dist/face-landmarks-detection.esm.js", @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ }, "peerDependencies": { "@mediapipe/face_mesh": "~0.4.0", "@tenso...
If the version is set to you will get: success Issue submission checklist This is not a generic OpenCV usage question (looking for help for coding, other usage questions, homework etc.) I have read the README of this repository and understand that this repository provides only an...
//while "landmarks" is used in in hand_tracking_desktop_live.pbtxt of 2021 latest mediapipe but not working. //.Next Code hangs without error message and can not print "landmarks cannot be polled" ASSIGN_OR_RETURN( mediapipe::OutputStreamPoller multi_hand_landmarks_poller , graph.AddOutp...