cd ROCm-docker sudo docker-compose run --rm rocm ``` ### Verify successful build of ROCm-docker container * Verify a working container-based ROCm software stack * After step #2 or #3, a bash login prompt to a running docker container should be available * `hcc --version` should displ...
Dear Community, latest Version of Compose, and running on Ubuntu 2104 simple problem: I'm using the tag :latest in some docker-compose files and the container / images would not be updated even there is a new version on dockerhub availab... 1. 2. 3. 使用国内源地址: 阿里云: sudo yum-config-manager \ --add-repo \ 1. 2. 3. 清华大学源: sudo yum-config-manager \ --add-repo \ https://mirrors.tuna.t...
文件映射:docker run -d --name myweb -v /home:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs -p 80:80 httpd:latest 冒号前本机路径,冒号后docker的httpd运行的容器文件路径,可在页面展示 文件映射只读模式:docker run -d --name myweb -v /home:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/:ro -p 80:80 httpd:latest 创建一个与宿...
Docker compose is not picking up the latest changes General docker,docker-compose rimelek(Ákos Takács)April 5, 2024, 6:56pm3 Please, format your post according to the following guide:How to format your forum posts In short: please, use</>button to share codes, terminal outputs, error ...
使用docker-compose 命令 出现Error:Service 'XXX' failed to build:mainfest for not found错误,提示未找到最新版本,需要我们在Dockerfile文件开头指定版本就可以了 问题解决: 1.找到当前文件夹下的Dockerfile文件 2.文件开头补充:bionic-1.0.0 3.重新执行docker-compose命令即可 ...
wget --version 如果系统返回了wget的版本信息,那么说明wget已经安装并可用。如果没有安装,你需要先安装wget。 确认下载链接的有效性: 你提供的链接是一个指向GitHub仓库最新发布版本的docker-compose.yml文件的链接。 为了确认链接...
Here’s my docker-compose.yml file: services : version : '2’ services : etcd : image restart : always container_name : etcd network_mode : "bridge" ports : -“4001:4001” -“2380:2380” - "2379:2379" ...
Looks like you used a version higher than 3.3.0 for Docker (or accidentally updated once it installed). See this thread: I had this issue in version 3.3.3 of Docker, but once I uninstalled, rebooted - then re...
Docker Captain Nana Janashia (@TechWorldwithNana) created a 1-hour tutorial all about Docker Compose that can help take you from zero to hero over your lunch break. BuildKit in depth: Docker’s build engine explained On the Depot site, Kyle Galbraith explains how BuildKit works, why it’s...