North CarolinaTrump +1.2Trump +0.2Trump +0.8 GeorgiaTrump +1.3Trump +1.0Trump +4.8 FloridaTrump +8.0Biden +0.9Trump +0.4 Pennsylvania: Trump vs. HarrisView Polls North Carolina: Trump vs. HarrisView Polls Georgia: Trump vs. HarrisView Polls ...
North CarolinaTrump +1.2Trump +0.2Trump +0.8 GeorgiaTrump +1.3Trump +1.0Trump +4.8 FloridaTrump +8.0Biden +0.9Trump +0.4 The Takeaway A special edition RCP newsletter that keeps you in the know on all the latest polls this election season. ...
Rasmussen, themost accuratepollster in the 2016 presidential election, offers another perspective. They survey likely voters, rather than simply registered or eligible voters. In theirDaily Presidential Tracking Poll, President Trump, on May 15, had a 49 percent total approval rating, compared to 47...
Donald Trump leads the pack with 19 percent, followed by Mitt Romney with 17 percent. But Scott Rasmussen, founder and president of Rasmussen Reports, tells Newsmax that a Huckabee departure from the race would not likely benefit any of the current leading contenders, and instead might help a ...