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Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa agrees to resign on Wednesday, July 13. He has been shifted to Army Headquarters last night, according to NDTV. The protest is mainly due to Sri Lanka's worsening economy – Sri Lanka's prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said late last month that the... – Sri Lanka 24 Hours Online Breaking News : News, Politics, Video, Finance, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Travel.
Tamilwin provides all the latest Sri Lankan Tamil News of Sri Lanka and International The news includes local, regional, national and international news on Sri Lanka, India, World, Political, Business, Financial, Education, Entertainment, Cinema and Spo
“The Sea Of Blue Has Turned Yellow”- ICC Posts Heart-Touching Images Of Sri Lankan Fans Supporting Australia At R Premadasa Stadium Previous Next Stats Feature Nesara V JagannathaFebruary 6, 2023 1,388 West Indies’ playing XI when Brian Lara made his ODI Debut With more than 10000...
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