The Latest On Autism Causes And Treatments Being Reported At International Meeting For Autism ResearchJane Rubinstein
The exclusively inclusive landscape of autism research People with intellectual disability are underrepresented and often actively excluded from autism research. A better understanding of autism requires inclusive research approaches that accurately represent the broad heterogeneity of the autistic population. ...
Find all the latest on autism symptoms at Medical Xpress. Your go-to source for news, research, and medical breakthroughs.
Confounding by familial factors influences the associations between maternal health and autism Multiple maternal conditions in pregnancy have been associated with autism risk in the child. However, analysis of family data from over a million children indicates that causality is unlikely; instead, these...
Find all the latest on sex at Medical Xpress. Your go-to source for news, research, and medical breakthroughs.
A decade of research on gluten-related disorders (GRDs) is reviewed in this study, with a particular emphasis on celiac disease (CD) and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). GRDs are triggered by the ingestion of gluten and gluten-like proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye. These pro...
in charge of the health of 350 million Americans, despite his stances on vaccines that contradict the science-based research of most scientists and medical experts, is likely to ignite a new debate about the potential real-world implications of the second Trump term that will begin in January...
The research is clear:Vaccinesdon’t cause autism. More than a dozen studies have tried to find a link. Each one has come up empty. MMR Vaccine Controversy The debate began in 1998 when British researchers published a paper stating that themeasles-mumps-rubella(MMR)vaccinecausedautism. ...
How to create new SEO strategies that overcome the frustrations in SERPs. The evolution of user experience metrics, and what you should do to prepare. Why AI is becoming even more important to SEO in 2025. New approaches to SEO you may not be using, but should be. ...
Research Highlights03 Dec 2024 Nature Neuroscience Volume: 27, P: 2269 On the origin of mitosis-derived human embryo aneuploidy Chromosome segregation errors are common in the early stages of human embryonic development. By examining the first mitotic divisions of human embryos using live cell ima...