Ian Riley, CEO of the WCA, said: “I’m delighted to see that governments are heeding our call for urgent action to accelerate decarbonisation of the cement industry around the world, and we look forward to hearing more details from the UK, India, Germany, Canada and UAE on the steps...
69 Crawfurd, John: JOURNAL OF AN EMBASSY FROM THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF INDIA TO THE COURTS OF SIAM AND COCHIN CHINA. Exhibiting a View of the Actual State of Those Kingdoms. London, 1828. viii, 598 pp. Foldout frontispiece panorama. Large folding map at back plus 11 full page aquatint ...
6, 533 pp. Reproductions of 76 b/w outline illustrations. 33x21 cm. Paper. £35.00 Inexpensive reduced-format edition of a catalogue of Ming bronzes, illustrated by line drawing, based on an edition published during the Republic of a Ming original (1526). cf. Toho Bunka 444 shang. In ...
There is a further section devoted to an outline of the development and current state of the museum during its 80 years and, finally, two ap- pendixes with a table of all exhibitions that have been held at the Gugong, and a chronology of exhibitions and other major events from 1913 at ...