The fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place earlier on Monday via video link. A technical pause has been taken in the negotiations until Tuesday. Xinhua correspondents in Moscow and Chisinau bring you the latest. Produced by Xinhua Global Service■ You may like In pic...
GLOBALink | Latest on Russia-Ukraine conflict: U.S., Europe to kick some Russian banks out of SWIFT-
The nearly monthlongRussian war in Ukraineis on the verge of entering a stalemate, said a senior NATO intelligence official, withUkrainian forcespreventing Russia from making progress but Russian President Vladimir Putin showing no willingness to back down. "If we're not in a stalemate, we are ...
Ukraine's army hit a supermarket in the Russian-held city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine this morning, a senior Russian-backed official said; Russia attacked Ukraine with 72 drones overnight, with large explosions pictured over Kyiv and a number of buildings damaged. 10 Jan Transnistria extends s...
He added, "As for those countries that have not signed the convention — China, Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. — it is not up to me to comment on their actions." Washington has yet to confirm or deny it will be sending these munitions, but a Pentagon official has acknowledged the mov...
Ukraine says its overnight attacks on Russia were the biggest it has carried out on the country's military facilities during the war. Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has held his annual news conference in Moscow. Watch Sky News ask him a question in the clip...
Ukraine has not fallen due to the grit of its people and unprecedented assistance from its western partners, but it has lost nearly 20 per cent of its territory and tens of thousands of citizens, including soldiers and civilians. And with Russia still on the march, the war is far from ove...
“That’s a judgment for him to make,” Biden said when asked by reporters following remarks he gave on the current state of tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Biden added, “I’ve spoken with Zelensky a dozen times, maybe more, I don’t know. In the pursuit of a diplomatic solutio...
Ukraine has been aggressive in going after targets in occupied Crimea as a part of a broader effort to hit Russian logistics, fuel, maintenance and command centers, in order to disrupt their ability to supply the front lines. Kyiv has also focused on breaking Russia’s dominance in Ukraine’...
Ukraine captures 2 North Korean soldiers in Kursk, Zelenskyy says Q&A He Went to Syria With Tulsi Gabbard. He Has Some Big Concerns. Defense The Lloyd void: Ukraine group wrestles with future after Austin leaves Foreign Affairs Ukraine doubles down on Kursk with counteroffensive into Russia ...