Update to the latest Maven plugin versions (#95) Browse files Also update the minimum enforced Maven version for the project build to 3.3.1. This was already the minimum version supported at runtime, and the minimum version actually used to build in GitHub actions. The maven-compiler-plugin...
I expected Dependabot to detect that the maven-artifact-plugin has a new 3.5.0 version and open a PR. Actual behavior As you can see in this Dependabot run, Dependabot fails to even determine the latest versions of all plugins based on the newest ASF parent POM ( org.apache:apache:...
Nonetheless, we should avoid it in favor of the Versions Maven Plugin when possible, because advancing concrete versions from the outside gives us definitely more control than letting Maven handle the whole operation on its own. 2.1. Deprecated Syntax Maven2 also provided two special metaversion v...
If you're using Atlassian Maven Plugin Suite (AMPS) to build your apps, remember to update its test data with a valid Data Center license to keep your apps compatible with Jira.ApplicationDateVersion numberMaven version numberDownloads Jira Software 9.17 June 26, 2024 9170000 9.17.0 Downloads...
maven pom.xml 配置 <plugin> <groupId>com.spotify</groupId> <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.2</version> <configuration> <!-- docker容器的地址 --> <dockerHost></dockerHost> <imageName>${project.artifactId}:latest</im...
下面是gradle同maven实现相同功能的代码量对比: 这个是用Maven写的 ↓ <properties> <kaptcha.version>2.3</kaptcha.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.google.code.kaptcha</groupId> <artifactId>kaptcha</artifactId>
确认支持的最新android gradle plugin版本: 根据您提供的信息,支持的最新AGP版本是8.5.0。 修改项目配置,将android gradle plugin版本降级到支持的最新版本: 您需要将build.gradle文件中的AGP版本从8.6.0降级到8.5.0。修改后的代码片段如下: groovy buildscript { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } dependencie...
maven { url'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/gradle-plugin'} maven { url'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public'} google()//jcenter()maven { url'https://jitpack.io'}} } 2、添加依赖——这样插入是错误的。将latestVersion改为最近的版本号 ...
This ensures that each project can be built and its tests pass on every major version. But this makes no sense! No user is building these projects on different versions. No user is building these projects at all. Consumers are using the pre-built.jarwhich we ship to Maven Central built ...
test latest version of cyclonedx-maven-plugin (#6670) … 0f5223f vaadin-bot added the cherry-picked-24.3 label Aug 16, 2024 ZheSun88 added a commit that referenced this pull request Aug 16, 2024 test latest version of cyclonedx-maven-plugin (#6670) (#6671) … 0b5b309 ZheSun88 ...