在新的TOS 6系统中,采用了最新的6.1内核,而之前的系统(TOS 5/5.1)使用的是5.15版本的内核。在过去的几年里,随着Linux内核的不断演进,从5.15版本到2022年12月发布的最新6.1 LTS版本,经历了多次迭代更新,包括5.16、5.17、5.18、5.19和6.0。相比早期的5.15版本,6.1版本的内核具有数百项优化和新功能,使得内核性能更...
QubesOS/qubes-linux-kernel@9b746a5 Drop patch included upstream already QubesOS/qubes-linux-kernel@8230d73 Update to kernel-6.6.7 Referenced issues: If you're release manager, you can issue GPG-inline signed command: Upload linux-kernel-latest 33fe2e1a9f95ccf7ae0b5328ead300cde8e7ad17 r4.1...
Changes since previous version: QubesOS/qubes-linux-kernel-latest@435a879 Update to kernel-6.11.6 Referenced issues: If you're release manager, you can issue GPG-inline signed command: Upload-component r4.3 linux-kernel-latest 435a87973e6b372be3a10ac91b824a2b8590023f current all(available 5 d...
Linux Kernel 5.15 was released as the newest Long Term Support (LTS) kernel release on Oct 31,2021. It provides new enhancements and features including a new NTFS driver and built-in support for Intel’s Alchemist discrete graphics. In summary, the latest kernel ships with the following improv...
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I read aninteresting questionon the Red Hat Learning Community forums recently. What is the latest kernel version for my version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)? In this post we'll see how you can find out. Some users, trying to be helpful, gave a specific version of the kernel pack...
I'm trying to build latest linux kernel with this compiler. I followed thisinstructionand executed with the following command: CFLAGS="-xHost -fast -mtune=native -O2 -flto -w -s -fvisibility=hidden"makeCC=icxCFLAGS="$CFLAGS"LD=xildAR=xiarNM=llvm-nmSTRIP=llvm-stripOBJCOPY=llvm-objcopyOBJDU...
Linux Kernel 6.12: Real-time capabilities, hardware boosts, and more Linux Kernel 6.12 has been released, a Long-Term Support (LTS) version guaranteed to receive updates and support until 2026. Kernel 6.12 boasts a range of new features and improvements across various areas, including real-time...
$ sudo apt-get remove linux-image-(unused-kernel-version) Once, you remove sucessfully, reboot the machine. Your previous kernel is no longer there. You are done!. It is worth mentioning – thatKernel 3.16is going to be released officially with Next Major release ofDebian 8(Jessie) andUbun...
Wong,William.Latest Linux Kernel is a one-stop solution. Electronic Design . 2004Wong William.Latest Linux Kernel is a one-stop solution.Electronic Design. 2004Wong William.Latest Linux Kernel is a one-stop solution. Electronic Design . 2004...