在项目的根路径的`build.gradle`里面,加入这样的配置: ``` groovy // 必须加上这两个apply apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.android" apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.android.extensions" buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50' repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies...
Steps to reproduce: Generate a new Gradle Kotlin Spring Boot project (see settings below) from start.spring.io Update gradle to 8.3 in gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties: distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/d...
The method FileEditorManagerEx#openFile(VirtualFile, FileEditorOpenOptions) is available, but is Kotlin-suspending. I checked the history and don't understand which one you mean. Regarding developing on EAP, in IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin 2.x, you can define a custom runIde task, which ...
Smart code completion for Kotlin, Java, and C/C++. Real-time reflection of code changes in Jetpack Compose with Live Edit. Flexible Build SystemAndroid Studio’s Gradle-powered build system enables: Customization of builds to create multiple variants for different Android devices from a single proj...
Here is my build.gradle.kts file:plugins { id("java") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.9.0" id("org.jetbrains.intellij") version "1.15.0"}group = "net.example"version = "1.0.0"repositories { mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal()}depen...
You can customize the inlay hints’ appearance inPreferences | Editor | Inlay hints | Kotlin. Package Search integrationCopy heading link Package Search now works withbuild.gradle.ktsfiles. This feature allows you to upgrade, downgrade, and remove existing dependencies. You can use it to find new...
How to use Realm Gradle Plugin with Version Catalogs? java 0104February 21, 2024 Npm install -g atlas-app-services-cli does not work on ubuntu 0118February 20, 2024 Unity: Realm stalls when using Enter Play Mode Options active (depends on Domain Reload) ...
./gradlew build java -jar build/libs/spring-boot-scala-web-0.1.0.jar Spring boot comes with a gradle based plugin which should have allowed the project to run with a "gradle bootRun" command, this unfortunately gives an error for scala based projects. A good workaround is to use sbt ...
The wrapper concept is also available in other projects from the Groovy ecosystem like Gradle or Griffon. A wrapper is a shell script for Windows, OSX or Linux named grailsw.bat or grailsw and a couple of JAR files to automatically download a specific version of Grails. We can check in ...