We are using Kotlin 1.4 with serialization, with this plugin, so that brings in the dependencies org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins:structure-intellij:3.105 (from the latest version of gradle-intellij-plugin) and org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-runtime:1.0-M1-1.4.0-rc from Kotlin 1.4. ...
Failed to determine the latest version for the following dependencies (use --info for details): - com.chuusai:shapeless_2.13 2.4.0-M1 The exception that is the cause of unresolved state: org.gradle.internal.resolve.ModuleVersionResolveException: Could not resolve com.chuusai:shapeless_2.13:+. ...
Smart code completion for Kotlin, Java, and C/C++. Real-time reflection of code changes in Jetpack Compose with Live Edit. Flexible Build SystemAndroid Studio’s Gradle-powered build system enables: Customization of builds to create multiple variants for different Android devices from a single proj...
You can customize the inlay hints’ appearance inPreferences | Editor | Inlay hints | Kotlin. Package Search integrationCopy heading link Package Search now works withbuild.gradle.ktsfiles. This feature allows you to upgrade, downgrade, and remove existing dependencies. You can use it to find new...
Gradle >= 4.x or Maven 3.6.x Project Lombok >= 1.18.20 Ways to configure Lombok in Eclipse In this post, you will know about the three ways on configuring the Lombok in you Eclipse IDE. Manually configure the Eclipse Eclipse Plugin for Lombok Eclipse Software Center Manually Configure Eclip...
Here is my build.gradle.kts file:plugins { id("java") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.9.0" id("org.jetbrains.intellij") version "1.15.0"}group = "net.example"version = "1.0.0"repositories { mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal()}depend...
Trabajar con el registro de Gradle Puedes configurar a Gradle para que publique paquetes en el registro de Gradle del GitHub Packages y para utilizar los paquetes almacenados en el GitHub Packages como dependencias en un proyecto de Java. ¿Quién puede utilizar esta c...
First I would like to know how is it possible to develop plugin on EAP versions? I looked up version number, updated this in bulid.gradle.kts and it was unable to download it, (I also tried version 241 and I was also out of luck even though that is released version). ...