update gradle-wrapper.properties, change distributionUrl gradle version to https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-7.5.1-bin.zip clean flutter cache reinstall android-studio extra infomation: I have both openjdk-17 and oracle jdk 11 installed, default is java11 I have installed gradle usi...
Updated Android app's Flutter binding and Gradle version Updated iOS app's minimum OS version and other properties Taosif7 added 4 commits October 26, 2024 13:23 refactor(app): Updated to latest flutter version and fixed dependencies 9d5f560 refactor(lib): Fixed deprecations & warnings 0c2...
Visual Studio Code for Mac - Cross-platform development.NetBeans - Lightweight IDE for Java and Android.Unity - Focused on game development for Android.Flutter - UI toolkit for multi-platform mobile apps.PROS Comprehensive Development Tools Built-in Emulator Extensive Libraries and Plugins Smart ...
id"dev.flutter.flutter-plugin-loader"version"1.0.0"// Update Gradle and Kotlin versions hereid"com.android.application"version'8.7.0'applyfalseid"org.jetbrains.kotlin.android"version"2.0.20"applyfalse//id "com.google.gms.google-services" version "4.4.2" apply false//id "com.google.firebase....
You can do these modifications directly in you app level build.gradle file and in flutter.groovy file as well. 5- Go tosetting.gradleset following versions for gradle and kotlin id "dev.flutter.flutter-plugin-loader" version "1.0.0"
Can not build android module in flutter latest version of 3.13.6:Could not create task ':generateDebugUnitTestConfig'. this and base files have different roots#136160 New issue Closed Description YazadDumasia huycozy added in triagePresently being triaged by the triage team ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ name:wallet_connect_v2 description:Wallet Connect V2 for Flutter version:0.1.0 version:0.1.1 homepage:https://avacus.cc repository:https://github.com/wakumo/flutter-wallet-connect-v2 Expand Down...
Please i'm expecting quick solution for this. I used thermal_printer: ^1.0.5 version. and my flutter version is Flutter 3.22.1 and this is my android build.gradle file buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.9.10' repositories { google() m...
github-actions bot removed the waiting for customer response label Apr 27, 2023 mustafa-707 commented Apr 27, 2023 solved by doing flutter clean flutter pub upgrade and updating gradles in android/build.gradle ext.kotlin_version = '1.7.10' ... dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - Android build warnings about Java with latest Gradle: `source value 8 is obsolete`/`target value 8 is obsolete` · flutter/flutter@c78c166