Election 2024 Election 2024Latest Polls Explore up-to-date 2024 primary & general election polls. Gain valuable insights into the evolving political landscape and stay ahead of the latest trends. Name of Race Race Poll Results Spread Monday, November 4...
Politicians will react reflexively to opinion polls by saying the only poll that matters is the one on election day. However, they never discount them, and, indeed, carry out their own polling. The truth is that they lead every one by the nose as they provide the only measured indicator ...
Presidential General & Primary ElectionsLatest Polls Explore comprehensive coverage of 2024 presidential general and primary election latest polls. Stay informed on the latest trends and insights shaping the election. Name of Race Election Polls|President Polls|State Polls|Senate Polls|House Polls|Governor...
But there’s little chance that general election polls (outside of Minnesota) will showcase her electability argument at this point. Why? A majority of non-potential Democratic primary voters (i.e. non-Democrats) nationwide, 60%, can’t form an opinion of her at this point. Those are the...
MADRID, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Polls published in Spanish newspaper on Sunday continued to predict that the June 26 general election will produce another hung parliament in the country, but with important changes in the results. A poll produced by Metroscope for the El Pais newspaper showed that...
Harris opened her speech in Washington by setting the stakes of next week’s general election. “One week from today, you will have the chance to make a decision that directly impacts your life, the life of your family and the future of t...
ELECTION RESULTS Biden wins the presidency: The latest updates Here’s the latest action from the historic 2020 election. 11/04/20 04:46 AM EST Election results live results Presidential election results 11/03/20 04:00 PM EST Senate election results 10/23/20 05:45 PM EDT House election...
YouGov Opinion PollsLatest Voting Intention Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election.Why? YouGov Opinion Polls 2 YEARS ...
Nicolás Maduro declared winner of disputed election According to Venezuela’s electoral authority, Nicolás Maduro has won a third presidential term, even though multiple exit polls had indicated an opposition victory. We discuss the international reaction and what’s next for the country. Share chapt...
If Williamson gets two more polls to go her way or reaches the fundraising threshold, she is in the debates too. All told currently 17 Democrats have qualified for the debates in June. Others may qualify too (such as Mayor Wayne Messam, Rep. Seth Moulton or Williamson), which means we...