Law & Order: SVUfollows an elite squad of detectives who investigate sexually based crimes in New York City. This season, the cast includes Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Dann Florek, Richard Belzer, Danny Pino, and Kelli Giddish. The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelih...
Richard Belzer received one final send-off from his old partners on "Law & Order: SVU" at the end of the latest episode, "King of the Moon." The Feb. 23 installment, which was directed by "SVU" starMariska Hargitay, ended with a card reading "In memory of Richard Belzer" in the s...
FBIis a made-to-order Dick Wolf recipe at its finest, falling right in line withLaw & Orderand theChicagoshows. It is Wolf’s first CBS show since 1997. Nothing here is new or groundbreaking, and of course, by nature, it feels like an extension or spinoff ofLaw & OrderorChicago Fir...
Law & Order: SVU Airs Mike Tyson's Controversial Episode --- What Did You Think? [Spoiler alert: This story reveals major plot points from Wednesday's episode of Law & Order: SVU.] Week after week for the last 14 years, Law & Order: SVU has depicted grisly, gruesome and ...
Was that a promo for a Law and Order SVU episode? Reply Thomas Vales 26 December, 2013 at 8:31 pm Lol you’re a riot Reply Fel Pe 23 December, 2013 at 9:56 pm It is the worst of the year. So cheesy that I could not finish it. Out of boy Sammy! Reply androidscale...