Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman faced intense scrutiny in Parliament over the recent Union Budget but came prepared to counter the opposition's claims on Wednesday. The primary contention from opposition leaders, particularly chief ministers of states governed by non-NDA parties, was that the...
types of Bills coming through [Parliament] across a whole series of areas.” While the Electronic Trade Documents Act is a quiet yet effective way that authorities accept digital documentation (in this case, para-governmental organisations like HMRC and Customs & Excise), the deployment of AI has...
LONDON: British farmers lined up tractors outside parliament in London on Wednesday, in protest over the... Published about 3 hours ago Pakistan Seminar on ‘Trauma Audit’: VC FJMU speaks about criticality of emergency medicine department LAHORE: The Vice Chancellor, Fatima Jinnah Medical ...
Just 22% of shoplifting incidents were attended to immediately by police in 2023, based on responses from 22 of England's 39 police forces. In 2016, data from 17 forces gave an attendance rate of 52% - more than twice the 2023 figure. While in 201...
The government is today unveiling plans to reform the UK's energy system in a bid to bring down bills and deliver their goal of clean power by 2030. As we were speaking to Energy Secretary Ed Miliband a short while ago, the proportion of energy coming from fossil fuels was ...
According to Chris Yin, investor demand for RWAs is moving “upstream” from tokenized treasury bills to private alternative assets. 5055 News Colorado church group tokenizes $2.5M chapel Aug 18, 2024 byTristan Greene This may be the first tokenized church in the world. ...
A constituent accused former Edinburgh council leader Cammy Day of sending unsolicited nude pictures in March 2023. Progress in LGBT rights 'fragile' - Kezia Dugdale 22 Dec 2024 at 12:30pm The ex-Scottish Labour leader was speaking 10 years on from the Holyrood parliament's decision to allow ...
COPENHAGEN, Denmark — The five Nordic countries said Wednesday that they are “deeply concerned” by bills introduced to Israel’s parliament that would prevent the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees from operating in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza...
COPENHAGEN, Denmark — The five Nordic countries said Wednesday that they are “deeply concerned" by bills introduced to Israel's parliament that would prevent theUnited Nations agency for Palestinian refugeesfrom operating in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza. ...
An Israeli parliamentary committee approved a pair of bills Monday that would ban the agency, known as UNRWA, from operating in Israeli territory and end all contact between the government and UNRWA. The bill needs final approval from the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. ...