Tibial plateau fractures, Arthroscopic reduction and internal fixation (ARIF), Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), Arthroscopically assisted, Schatzker classification, Post-traumatic knee osteoarthritisBackgroundThis study aims to explore if the arthroscopically assisted reduction and internal ...
(ORIF) of the fractures of lateral and posterolateral tibial plateau[4,9–12]. The ordinary lateral approach, which is commonly used, does not provide adequate exposure that fracture site could be observed thoroughly. And access to the posterolateral aspect of thelateral tibial plateauwas hamper...
TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) Several things should be considered when choosing the right surgery. Here is a list of the things to consider: Age of Your Dog In some cases, if the dog is on the “older” side, maybe performing one of the more...
The LWI, placed inside shoes, is a non-invasive economical treatment that decreases medial tibial plateau loads by altering the external knee adduction moment (KAM) during walking7,8,9. The KAM is determined by a combination of the ground reaction forces (GRFs) and the GRF to knee centre ...
A recent cadaver study has shown that the surface area of the fibular head is 3.12 cm2 whereas that of the central weight-bearing portion of the lateral tibial plateau is 3.64 cm2. The authors have objectively documented good results in five patients with severely comminuted lateral tibial ...
10, 11 Although the relationship between joint load and OA progression has not been widely studied,12 if the consequence of walking while carrying large amounts of excess body mass is high-force, repetitive loading on the tibial plateau, Obese individuals may be at a greater risk for ...
61 cases of Type C tibial plateau fractures operated between January 2007 and June 2011 were included in this prospective study. All cases were operated either by single lateral locked plate by anterolateral approach or double plating through double incision. All cases were followed for a minimum ...
Previous studies showed that the lateral tibial plateau is more important than the medial plateau in the pivot shift mechanism and therefore the lateral tibial plateau places an increased force on the ACL.31,32 The differences in the shapes of tibial plateau could explain the difference in their ...
2) when meniscus showed a greater than 70% difference of anteroposterior thickness in sagittal image and mediolateral thickness in coronal image or 3) When meniscus segment crossed the lateral tibial spine in coronal image or crossed the margin on tibia plateau in sagittal image [14] (Fig. 2)...
The shape of the meniscus is adapted to aid distribution of loads within the knee, with the superior surface in contact with the femoral condyles being concave in shape, in comparison to the flatter inferior surface, which contacts the tibial plateau [3]. At various points, the outer ...