is the protocol for a review and there is noThe objectives are as follows: We aim to assess the effect of the lateral position compared to other body positions on patient outcomes (mortality, morbidity and clinical adverse events during and following positioning) in critically ill adult patients...
Patients were placed into a CRT positioning system (Rotorest, KCI, San Antonio, TX, USA) and the study was performed after 1–3 days of turning. In a first phase, oxygenation and hemodynamics were assessed during continuous turning in the supine and both maximal steep positions at an angle...
where prone positioning is commonly indicated as a rescue therapy in severely-ill patients. In prone position, the anatomical and functional distribution of lung ventilation is remarkably modified23, and as a result oxygenation, pulmonary mechanics and mortality improved24. Unlike the mechanisms responsib...
20. rare to locate or ascertain the position of [C15: from Late Latin positiō a positioning, affirmation, from pōnere to place, lay down] poˈsitional adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
However the positioning is complex and carries a risk of stretching of the brachial plexus. Spatial orientation is more difficult and requires surgical experience. The lateral position does not modify the haemodynamic and respiratory function in healthy patients. In the opposite, various cardiac or ...
The Effect of Intraoperative Patient Positioning on the Success of Intertrochanteric Fracture Surgery in Older Patients Background and Objectives: The incidence of hip fractures in people of advanced ages is increasing due to our aging society. Patient positioning for the in... O Kaya,B Kundak,C ...
Application of improved lateral position in elderly patients undergoing hip arthroplasty doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6493.2015.03.036CHINAHOSPITALSPATIENT positioningPROBABILITY theoryTOTAL hip replacementDATA analysis softwareDESCRIPTIVE statisticsChinese Nursing ResearchChai Yanhong...
Obstruction of the upper airway is a major challenge for anesthesiologists administering general anesthesia in spontaneously breathing patients, especially in pediatric anesthesia with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Lateral positioning is a simple treatment for obstructive sleep apnea and also decreases collapsibilit...
Meticulous attention to proper positioning, adequate joint distraction, and portal placement is paramount for safe and successful arthroscopy of the hip. This article will review the seminal features of lateral positioning and minimally invasive surgical approaches to the hip. 展开 关键词:...
(2) is there any difference in the distribution of cup position between the two positions? Hypothesis Our hypothesis was that the supine position would provide a higher accuracy of cup positioning than the lateral position in THA using modified Watson-Jones approach. Patients and methods A single...