Beauchamp M (2005a) See me, hear me, touch me: multisensory integration in lateral occipital-temporal cortex. Curr Opin Neurobiol 15:1–9Beauchamp MS (2005) See me, hear me, touch me: multisensory integration in lateral occipital-temporal cortex. Curr Opin Neurobiol 15(2):145–153...
Next, in E2, we performed a randomized, double-blind, controlled intervention study (clinical trial number: UMIN 000018310) in younger healthy adults to test whether right occipital (corresponding to the right LOTC) anodal stimulation using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) could enhance ...
网络枕叶皮层外侧;大脑枕叶外侧;枕外侧皮层 网络释义
Two scans were used to localize object-processing areas in the occipital-temporal cortex. During these localizer scans, subjects viewed alternating 20 s blocks of shape silhouettes (100% contrast), scrambled shapes, and a blank fixation screen. The scrambled shapes were made by segmenting the objec...
This was not the case in SMC and occipital cortex, both t < 1.3, p > 0.19, supplementary fig. 2, indicating that the differences in GABA/Glx between groups are anatomically specific to FPl and not a consequence of whole-brain changes in excitability. The GABA/Glx ratio in FPl ...
Rather, it appears that during linear self-motion (i.e. linearvection), there is simultaneous activation of occipital, occipito-temporal, superior temporal, and occipito-parietal regions, accompanied by afferences projected into the multimodal vestibular cortex21. Unlike in cases of brain damage22,...
8. Category specific regions of cortex In this review, we have focused primarily on the LOC, which is defined functionally as the region of occipital and temporal cortex that responds more strongly to objects than to scrambled objects or textures. The LOC has been shown to respond quite strongl...
Posterior Parietal Cortex Topographic excitation representing an image from the right visual hemifield is sent from the left occipital visual association cortex to the left posterior parietal (inferior parietal lobule and the lateral intraparietal (LIP)) cortex. Activity in the posterior parietal area ...
(Fig. 5.4B) occipital-parietal-temporal cortices. Either internal or external cues allow the LPFC to produce the global plan the goal-directedbehavior. Signals from the LPFC trigger the cascade of short projections, which reach caudal premotor regions and the M1 with synaptic interruptions in the...
(pimfs-v) in the left anterior lateral prefrontal cortex (aLPFC) was related to reasoning task performance in children and adolescents, we tested whether this relationship extended to a different sample, age group, and reasoning task. As predicted, the presence of this aLPFC sulcus was also ...