flexion; and 24.0 ft-lbs in 135 deg. flexion. For dynamic exposures, the maximum neck torque was 34.5 ft-lbs in the 0 deg. flexion and 22.5 ft-lbs in the 180 deg. extension. The neck response curves for the 0 deg. flexion and 180 deg. extension runs are all within the envelopes ...
lateroflexion lateroversion Lates Lates calcarifer ▼ Full browser ? ▲ lateral surface of finger lateral surface of leg lateral surface of lower limb lateral surface of ovary lateral surface of shaft of radius lateral surface of testis lateral surface of tibia lateral surface of toe lateral surface...
, lateral flexion (90 deg.) and oblique lateral flexions (45 deg. and 135 deg.) were studied using human volunteers as test subjects in both static and dynamic environments. The shear reaction and torque at the occipital condyles were obtained. Static results show that when the neck is in...
The passive bending stiffness, tolerable bending moment levels, and elastic energy storage capabilities of the cervical spine were evaluated in 40 male and 19 female volunteer subjects from a university student population, about the flexion, extension, and lateral bending axes. Bending moments were app...
(1994). Passive stiffness of the human neck in flexion, extension, and lateral bending. Clinical Biomechanics, 9(3):193- 198.McGill, S.M., et al., Passive stiffness of the human neck in flexion, extension, and lateral bending. Clinical Biomechanics, 1994. 9(3): p. 193-198....
All three positions require a certain amount of neck flexion, so caution should be used if there is known preexisting neck pathology, especially a craniocervical anomaly, spinal instability, significant cervical spondylosis, or herniation of the cerebellar tonsils on preoperative imaging. The most ...
Degenerative changes to the cervical spine can be accompanied by neck pain, which can result from narrowing of the intervertebral disc space and growth of osteophytes. In a lateral x-ray image of the cervical spine, degenerative changes are characterized by vertebral bodies that have indistinct bou...
The aim of this case series was to describe the immediate changes of inter-vertebral motion at an identified dysfunctional cervical segment, as measured by functional X-rays in lateral flexion, following a supine cervical rotation manipulation in patients presenting with mechanical neck pain. Fifteen ...
the leg is placed in a ‘figure of 4’ position. It originates from the lateral femoral epicondyle and inserts onto the lateral aspect of thefibulahead. As it is posterior to the axis of knee rotation the LCL is tight in extension and lax in flexion. The LCL helps resist varus force....
This may be due to a direct blow or an indirect forced contraction of the quadriceps mechanism (with the knee fixed in flexion) ▪ Direct force: this results in a linear fracture (or a stellate pattern if a greater force is involved) ▪ Indirect force (more common): this usually resul...