Several lateral mass screw fixation techniques have been described, among which the most used are Roy-Camille, Magerl, Anderson, and An. In this chapter, we introduce surgical anatomy of the lateral mass and carefully describe how to use the lateral mass screws in lower cervical spine based on...
We attempted the posterior UBE approach for cervical stenosis at the C4–C6 levels. UBE decompression of C4–C6 with unilateral lateral mass screw fixation at the C4–C5 levels was performed under general anesthesia. Conclusions We successfully performed cord decompression at the C4–C6 levels using...
lateral mass 美 英 un.侧块;侧板 网络外侧块;侧骨团;的外侧质块 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 侧块 2. 侧板
英文: Posterior lateral mass screws and plates are widely used to stabilize an unstable cervical spine in cases of trauma, postlaminectomy instability, and neoplasm.中文: 摘要颈椎脊髓炎若造成神经压迫或变形不稳定,需进行清创减压及融合手术。英文: A Clinical Study about Relation of Three Trestles of ...
摘要: The detaiIs of ap plied anatom y related to the lateral mass plate-screw fixatton of cervical spine were described. Two common used techniques Sor the screw insertion (Ray-Camille and Magerl) were introduced and compared in detail.关键词:...
Object. Lateral mass screws (LMS) have been used extensively with a low complication rate in the subaxial spine. Recently, cervical pedicle screws (CPS) have been introduced, and are thought to provide more optimal stabilization of the subaxial spine in certain circumstances. However, because of...
The stress on the internal fixation system increased following foraminotomy in both left and right rotation, which is most likely related to the decreased cervical spine stability after foraminotomy. Increased stress at the support plate, fixation nails and lateral mass screws causes screw loosening...
1. We successfully performed C3/4 laminectomy while simultaneously completing the implantation of bilateral lateral mass screws through a third auxiliary UBE portal. 2. Implanting the contralateral lateral mass screw first may reduce the interference from ipsilateral screws on endoscopic visualization and ...
Letter to the Editor concerning "Proposal for a new trajectory for subaxial cervical lateral mass screws" by S. Amhaz-Escanlar et al. (Eur Spine J; 2018: d... Study Design. Retrospective review of prospectively collected data.Objective. The authors aim to investigate the association between ...
CONCLUSIONS: Cervical lateral mass fixation with"long" (up to but not through the anterior lateral mass cortex) unicortical Magerl screws may provide an acceptable and safe alternative to bicortical screw fixation. 展开 关键词: Keywords cervical internal fixation lateral mass ] Spine 2003 28:778–...