a nonsegmented mass of mesoderm on the lateral periphery of the embryonic disc; it forms the somatopleuric (parietal) and splanchnopleuric (visceral) mesoderm. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 lat·er·al plate (lat'ĕr-ăl plāt) ...
lat·er·al seg·'ment [TA] a delimited part or section of an organ or other structure that lies farthest to the left or right compared with the other similar parts or sections. See:lateral bronchopulmonary segment S IV,lateral basal(bronchopulmonary) segment [S IX] [S IX],(left anterior...
The procedure of the diagnosis and treatment is described. In this case, computed tomography (CT) was the most useful in making a differential diagnosis. That the pulling force of the medial pterygoid muscle might be a causative agent in the growth of this osteoma is considered....
What Is the Pterygoid Canal? What is the Medial Pterygoid? What is the Digastric? What is the Infratemporal Fossa? What is the Hyoglossus? What is a Lateral Nerve? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. ...
The medial and lateral pterygoid muscles are different in structure as well as in function. The medial pterygoid muscle is concentrically active during jaw closing, and the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle iseccentrically active during jaw closing, while its inferior head is concentrically...
Drilling of the medial pterygoid plate: it should be performed in a caudal-to-rostral direction and perpendicular to the clivus,39,41 up to the vidian canal, which is drilled in its inferomedial aspect while the vidian artery is highlighted and can be followed toward its origin from the ...
a. The muscle with a deep head that originates from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate b. The muscle that passes deep to the zygomatic arch to insert into the What is the region of a bone between the epiphysis and diaphysis called? Whic...
infratemporal crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and is inserted into the anteromedial aspect of the TMJ capsule and disc; the inferior LPM originates from the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and is inserted into the pterygoid fovea on the mandibular condyle [2–4]...
lateral plate of cartilaginous auditory tube lateral plate of pterygoid process Lateral plate of the pterygoid process Lateral Plates lateral pointing correction lateral pole lateral portions of superficial palmar aponeurosis lateral position lateral position ...
CT scan revealed linear un-displaced fracture of right frontal bone extending up to the roof and right ethmoid sinus, anterior clinoid process and lateral pterygoid plate, fracture of medial and lateral wall of the right orbit, and fracture of right ramus of the mandible. Accidental inferior turb...