Longitudinal Forward and/or backward, relative to some defined direction. Lateral To pass (the ball) sideways or backward. Longitudinal Sampling data over time rather than merely once. Longitudinal studies Lateral To the side; of or pertaining to the side. Instead of a promotion, I opted for ...
50 m in both longitudinal and lateral directions by diagonally welded plastic webs to [...] lucobit.de 两层密封材料在横纵两个方向上, 每间 隔50m时斜穿插至一起,焊粘于塑料网上,以形成一块块气密性好的封闭 隔间。 lucobit.de [...] popularity over the past year and a half, and the ...
The direction of thinking can be divided into two ways: lateral thinking and longitudinal thinking.Vertical thinking, refers to the within a structure, in accordance with the order, the direction of the predictable, stylized form of thinking, this is a development direction in line with the ...
METHOD FOR DETECTING WARP OF PLATE IN LATERAL AND LONGITUDINAL DIRECTIONPURPOSE: To obtain a method for detecting warp, in lateral and longitudinal directions, of a plate under nonrestrained state in production line. ;CONSTITUTION: Residual moments Mx0, My0 in longitudinal and lateral directions of...
50 m inbothlongitudinal and lateraldirections by diagonally welded plastic webs to [...] lucobit.de lucobit.de 两层密封材料在横纵两个方向上,每间隔50m时斜穿插至一起,焊粘于塑料网上,以形成一块块气密性好的封闭 隔间。 lucobit.de lucobit.de ...
横向思维与纵向思维(Lateralthinkingandverticalthinking) Lateralthinkingandverticalthinking Thedirectionofthinkingcanbedividedintotwoways:lateral thinkingandlongitudinalthinking. Verticalthinking,referstothewithinastructure,in accordancewiththeorder,thedirectionofthepredictable, stylizedformofthinking,thisisadevelopmentdirect...
15. Sub-aperture stitching, characterized by extending lateral and longitudinal dynamicranges of interferometry, is an important technique for measuring large aperature opticalcomponents with high resolution, high precision and at low cost. 子孔径拼接检测技术是拓展标准干涉仪的横向和纵向动态范围,实现低成本...
Related to lateral direction:longitudinal direction DIRECTION. The order and government of an institution; the persons who compose the board of directors are jointly called the direction. Direction, in another sense, is nearly synonymous with instruction. (q.v.) ...
Modelling and Control Strategies in Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles: A Review of State of the Art and Challenges One of the main aspects in autonomous vehicle is the path tracking control, focusing on the vehicle control in lateral and longitudinal direction in order... NH ...
passing,passing game,passing play,pass- (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long" Adj.1.lateral- situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong...