latent" 这个单词的中文翻译是“潜在的;潜伏的;休眠的;潜意识的”。这个词来源于拉丁语的 "latentem",意味着隐伏、潜伏。在英语中,"latent" 常用来描述存在但看不见的、隐性的或潜伏性的状态。在具体的应用中,它可以指多种不同的概念: 1. 潜在的危险(latent danger)- 指潜在的、尚未显现的危险。 2. 潜伏...
1 Latent Variable Models 1.1 Background 1.2 Pros and Cons 1.3 Application 2 Motivation 2.1 The meaning of the latent variable 2.2 Theory 3 Training Latent Variable Models (including VAE and IWAE) 3.1 How to use and how to learn models that involve latent variables 3.2 How do we train an...
The latent variable's meaning is indeterminate, but it cannot be inferred from the content of the causal indicators. Doing so can lead to interpretational confounding. Forming a composite with weights not determined with respect to an outcome variable or variables is a possible solution, as is ...
中文词源 ☆ 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的latentem,意为隐伏,潜伏。 词组短语 1.latentdanger潜在的危险 2.latentenemy潜在的敌人 3.latentperiod潜伏期 4.latentheat潜伏热 5.latentimage潜像;潜象;隐像 6.latentvariable潜变量 7.Latentsemantic indexing潜在语义索引;索引;隐性语义索引;潜在语义分析 ...
reweightedL 1 andL 2 ♦EmpiricalResults ♦Lineargenerativemodel: SparseInverseProblem =Φ+yxε Observed m-dimensional datavector Matrixofn basisvectors VectorofUnknown Coefficients Gaussiannoise withvarianceλ♦Objective:Estimatetheunknownxgiventhefollowing assumptions: 1.Φisovercomplete,meaningthenumberof...
adjectivehidden,secret,concealed,invisible,lurking,veiled,inherent,unseen,dormant,undeveloped,quiescent,immanent,unrealized,unexpressedAdvertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message. developed,expressed,obvious,realized,apparent,evident,manifest,conspicuous ...
Latent Variable Path Analysis Latent viral infection latent virus latent W.-P.-W. s. latent zone Latent, Moderately or Poorly-Differentiated Type Carcinoma latent-virus infection latently latently latently latently Latents Latents Latents Latents later later later later later later aligator Later Alli...
We describe a probabilistic framework for acquiring selectional preferences of linguistic predicates and for using the acquired representations to model the effects of context on word meaning. Our framework uses Bayesian latent-variable models inspired by, and extending, the well-known Latent Dirichlet Al...