Latent Heat Cannot be Less than zero #1 cvnaditya New Member Hellboy Join Date: Apr 2018 Posts: 5 Rep Power:8 Hi all, I'm practicing multiphase analysis in fluent, my problem involves air, R134a liquid & R134a vapour I have assign the properties and while going through initialization i ...
先说一个,如果两个数据没有给合适,初始化的时候会报错,报错内容为“ERROR: Latent heat cannot be less than zero!”那么标准状态焓和汽化潜热是什么关系呢?查询手册,可以得到的汽化潜热的公式为:这里L表示汽化潜热,HV(Tsat)为气体在饱和状态下的焓值,Hl(Tsat)为液体在饱和状态的焓值。而焓值计算的公式...
Hi,I am having an issue in ANSYS simulation. I am trying to do condensation of water vapor to water liquid but when I initialize the solution, it says latent heat cannot be less than zero. I tried to search online & it comes to my knowledge that it is re
所以看你所描述的,似乎空气并不是298K,而且固体也不是热源,所以应该是设置成流固的热耦合边界,即 FLUENT里的coupled条件,具体的你可以再详细查看帮助文档祝好~~~ 00分享举报fluent中做气固换热是要设置heat exchanger那个吗。 哥,请问下你知道这三个是什么意思吗?可不可以告诉我啊,我最近在流体与固体换热 耦合...
Latent Heat Cannot be Less than zero Hi all, I'm practicing multiphase analysis in fluent, my problem involves air, R134a liquid & R134a vapour I have assign the properties and while going through initialization i have noticed this error. ...
During the final span (t≥ 1800 s), the isotherms seem to be more uniform and consistent in shape than in previous durations, particularly in the lower portion of the domain. This would be due to the dominating role of heat conduction in this region, which helps earlier completion of the...
The corresponding streamlines and velocity fields shown in Figure 13 confirm that during the time period (t = 8 h), the little shift of tube positions up from their reference positions in the case of P-7 can further boost the heat removal process to be less convection dominated in the ...